Part 2 Ch 4

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Seeing Sarah had made him think of that night again. How beautiful he had thought Bianca was. How he wanted to tell her he loved her, but he didn't want her to feel obligated to stay with him. He had nothing to give her. He was always aware of what he could offer her, which was nothing. She had to ask him to be her boyfriend, because he was too afraid to ask.

That night felt like a nightmare looking back. Bianca was fighting him, Nick was fighting him. No one would help. And Bianca had thought he was rich...not Nick, and she chose to help him instead. The whole thing seemed odd to him.

The worst thing he had ever felt, was the feeling of finding Bianca in bed with Nick. He had stupidly been worried about them, hoping they had made it home safely. In reality he knew it was not what it seemed - but still he left. Who would want an empty apartment, and no hope for a future.

He left his phone, Nick paid for it anyways. The events that took place after went fast. After arriving home he broke a mirror out of anger. The landlord had called the cops, she had investigated after a noise complaint, and finding his hand cut and the mirror broke she decided to involve authorities.

He apologized, and they made him take a breathalyser to make sure he was sober. The landlord could of pressed charges, but decided not too once Dylan gave her money to cover the damage. The money he had been saving for rent.

She accepted it, as long as he left immediately. He doubted she cared that much that he had broken the mirror, but had been looking for the perfect opportunity to evict him. He was constantly weeks-or at times-months late on rent. He gave her what he had and packed up what bags he could carry and left. Clothing and laptop and ereader, he took one book. The rest of what he took was clothing. He left everything; The inflatable furniture, the fire poster. All stayed in his old life. And he walked to his new one.

What was the point of finishing school, he could not go to college anyways. He found the first bus and went to the construction site. The boss let him stay in a trailer for the time. He worked all day. Saving money and trying to survive. He hoped he never saw them again.

Sarah: I'm going home. I'll text you soon

Sarah: I missed you

He thought about telling her he missed her too - he didn't, what was the point. He pushed off the counter of the bar and wiped things down. Looking at his phone as it lied near him. Taunting him. First Sarah, and now finally thinking about the night again.

"Fuck it.." He grabbed the phone and called her. She was still driving home, it was unlikely she would answer - right. People don't answer phones. Not unless they're lunatics. He thought.

"Hello, Dylan..." Her voice sounded Cheery, like they spoke all the time - best of friends.

"Hey you're driving, probably don't want to talk...."

"Oh no...I would love to talk, I have it on speaker. Dylan...don't make me drive alone..." She teased. He missed her. He placed some wireless headphones in. Leaving his phone charged while working.

"Can I ask you something you likely don't want to talk about."

"Hahaha...Dylan...I promise you, I want to talk to you about anything. You don't know how much I've talked about you in the past years to a certain lady..." he wondered if she spoke of him.

"You guys talk of me?"

"Well....we used to, a lot. Everyone wanted to find you. You vanished really...HEY FUCKER! USE YOUR BLINKER....Sorry..."

"Are you sure you should be driving and talking."

"I do it all the time.." God help anyone on the road near her, he thought.

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