Part 2 Ch 1

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Bianca sat up, her head pounding. "Ughh...I am alive?" She was pushed aggressively. She looked at the rats nest of hair next to her. And she pushed her back.

"Stop being loud in my bed." She smiled down at Courtney. They had drank way too much last night. It was a terrible idea considering she needed to take a flight in five hours. I need food and caffeine, that would help right?

"I hope Jenna's alright, that guy look like he was going to destroy her." Courtney laughed and groaned.

"Yeah, I can't believe she spilled that drink, though he didn't look that upset when she bought him another, and another, and made out with him." Bianca smiled and it hurt, it hurt to smile. Everything hurts.

"Ugh...I'm ordering food, bagel egg sandwich. Want one?" A phone rang, they looked around.

"Where is that coming from?" Courtney pulled a phone out of the bed.

"Babe is calling.." She said. Bianca took the phone. Caller ID said BABE in all caps. She answered, sleep heavy in her voice, or hang over.

"Hello.." She said, while rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, when are you coming home?"

"I leave in five hours, I'll be there tonight."

"Thank god! I need you.." She smiled, his voice sounded desperate.

"How do you live without me?"

"I don' the way, you sound terrible."

"We drank too much. I'm hanging up to order food." He laughed.

"Alright, see you tonight B."

"See you Nick.."


Dylan leaned against the counter in the dimly lit bar. He was scanning the crowd. The bar had a higher quality clientèle. They had no bouncer, this was not some drunken street bar. Yet it was important to keep track of what was going on. The most he had ever had to deal with, was drunken wealthy college guys who did not understand when to fuck off, making women uncomfortable.

Tonight the majority looked to be in there thirties and up. Nicks mother had contacted him, somehow, telling him about the job. Not out of kindness, but the owner was her friend and she thought Dylan was the exact look her friend wanted for the bar. He began wiping down the bar. A woman waved him over. She was in her fifties maybe, fit, well dressed. He smiled as he approached and she immediately did as well.

"What can I get you?" She leaned forward on the counter, biting her lip.

"Hmmm what do you have that is fruit."

he smirked looking at her. "Sex on the beach?"

"Please..." She replied and it was clear she was not talking of the drink. He made the cocktail and slid it across to her. She slid back her number and sipped it before walking away. He was not allowed to take any numbers from any customer. He took the napkin she wrote on and threw it away.

A well dressed man, maybe in his mid twenties was annoying a woman. She had red hair that fell on her shoulders in curly waves. Her lips full, and nose covered in a light dusting of freckles. She was fending the man off with a smile. But if it continued he might need to speak up. She turned and made eye contact with him. He glared, watching to see if she would ask for help.

Instead she really smiled.Not the fake one she was giving the man. A bright smile, that made her eyes sharpen. She stood and walked over to the bar. She took a stool with her drink - Finger raised. He walked over. With a single nod.

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