Chapter 28- Shots

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(Shots by Imagine Dragons)


I arrived home to find Kat in the living room, eyes red and puffy from crying. I sat down on the couch next to her but she didn't seem to notice me. Instead she was staring at the t.v. screen and she seemed lost in thought. I waited patiently and she turned her head, almost hazily to me and she burst out crying. I held her in my arms and she continued sobbing.

"What's wrong Kat? What happened?" I asked as I rubbed her back, hoping that it would calm her down in a way. She continued crying for a while before reducing down to just sniffling. It pained me to see her so sad. I felt so helpless and I felt like I would continue to feel like that until she told me what was wrong. As if on cue, she started explaining what had happened with Mrs. Frost.

"And now I feel like the only person who can help me is the same person who left us years ago." Kat said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. I waited, scared that if I said anything she'd clam up and not say anymore. She took a deep breath and looked at me, her violet eyes searching mine for something I couldn't understand.

"And that person is my.... my father, Samuel Overland." She looked down and rubbed her hands together. Why does she need her father? The same man who almost killed me and took Jack away.

"I don't think..... I support you in everything but I cannot accept the fact that you would ask for help from the man who abandoned you and your brother, the man who almost ki-" I stopped before I said any more. Kat didn't know what had happened in Tromsø. She only knew what I told her and that was that Jack left after I had been "assaulted". I could not tell her what actually happened until the time was right.

When that would be, I had no idea........

(Summertrain by Greyson Chance)


I put my pen down and looked at all the work I had done for all my A.P classes. It was pretty tiring trying to keep my grades up and still continue to be the valedictorian for LBA. A lot of people looked up to me, especially the underclassmen. I felt like I wanted to just leave and not care about it anymore but I wanted to get to New York University or Harvard. There were other options like applying to state colleges such as Oxford University but that was where Samuel went and I don't plan on following in his example.

I looked to the corner of the living room and saw my black guitar sitting there staring back at me. I guess I could play a song. Then I thought of a song that I had heard on the radio. It was a song that I thought Elsie would like. I grabbed my phone and guitar and practiced the song before pressing record on my phone once I felt confident that I had the song down.

"Hey Elsie, thought you might like this song. I heard it and thought of you. Hope you like it." I said to the camera and then turned my attention to the guitar. I played the first few chords and began singing.

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
We've been awake all night, shattered dreams all around
Close your sad, sad eyes we will be safe and sound

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All's forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Seems we are a thousand miles away from last night
As you sigh in my ear, kiss the rain goodbye

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All's forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Come away with me, it's gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it's gonna be all right you'll see

And the windows are crying, but this train is flying us all through the rain, I fear
And the sky is getting brighter with every mile
And it all seems clear

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Look at the sun and see the clouds turn to faces in the sky
Daydreaming lightly through the rain
All's forgiven on a summer train

Come with me for a little ride, see the shadows passing by
Come away with me, it's gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it's gonna be all right you'll see

Come away with me, it's gonna be all right just breathe
Come away with me, it's gonna be all right you'll see, you'll see

Come away with me

When I was done, I smiled at the camera and said, " I love you baby." I stopped the recording and quickly sent it to her. I put my guitar next to me. Just then my phone beeped and I looked to see a text from Kat, my sister.

Jack, it's Kat. I really miss you. It's been three months since your disappearance and I don't think I can handle another second with Mother. I understand why you didn't come back and I don't blame you. But it would be nice to see you again.
Love you.

I stared at the text. What could Mother have done to Kat to make her say that? Surely Mother was doing all she could to find me so it shouldn't have affected Kat as much. I felt my phone vibrating and I saw that Elsie was calling. I answered, certain that this text was what she was calling me about.

"Hey." I said.

"Jack you have to stop this MIA thing you're doing. It's not working anymore." I could hear the stress in her voice and I knew she was right.

"What do you want me to do? You know full well why I can't go back." I sighed at that last part. I didn't want to hurt my family.

"You didn't seem to let that bother when you called me did you?" Her voice rose a little but I could also hear the teasing tone as well.

"That's different. I love you." I said as I rubbed my hand through my hair.

"And what about Kat? She's your sister. The least you could do is send her a text or a letter every few weeks. You might not like your mother but Kat deserves more than worrying where you are." I sighed and thought for a moment. Elsie was right. Kat didn't deserve to be kept in the dark anymore. I couldn't be MIA or AWOL anymore.

Sighing again I said, "You're right. Tell you what, bring her to the hotel tonight and I'll explain everything to her."

"You're not actually thinking about telling her about what you are, are you?" The worry was evident in her voice and she had every right to be. Kat was like a younger sister to her.

"Absolutely. She needs to know, Elsie. I can't keep her in the dark anymore. Besides, it's better if I tell her everything than having to lie about what happened to me." I said, waiting for her response. She seemed to be thinking for a while because she answered five minutes later.

"Okay. I'll see you tonight then." I smiled and chuckled.

"Okay. I love you Snowflake." She chuckled softly before replying, "I love you too Foozball." I laughed and we both hung up. I stared outside the window thinking about how I was going to explain everything to Kat.

Only time will tell.........

Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter. Hope you liked it because I enjoyed writing it. For those of you who were wondering what MIA and AWOL was it's Missing In Advance and Absent Without Leave.

Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon to Wattpadders everywhere.

Vote, comment, follow, share and whatever.

Mionette Losoya

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