1| Life at the Garbage Dump

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The old and gloomy building emitted a moldy smell. Mice and other small stray animals scurried around, making ominous noises. If one looked closer, they could see a young woman lying in the middle of the room.

Solenia Warrick woke up to the sound of water droplets falling from a crack in the ceiling. She looked up to see steel bars exposed, with moonlight creeping through the gaping holes above.

A drop of something thick fell on her face. She touched it to see that it was sewage mixed with mud. The rancid smell and thickness gave that away.

Solenia did not react. Instead, she wiped it off with her hands, moved to a spot where the sewage didn't drip, and resumed sleeping as if nothing had happened, already accustomed to this.

After all, it had been a week since she started experiencing these incidents. She had actually encountered worse.

Her nose had almost lost its sense of smell after she came here, but she persevered. It was still better than dying.

The alarm clock in the corner suddenly rang, pointing that it was two in the morning already. She sighed as she woke up and turned it off before it broke. She tried to pull her hair into a ponytail and failed. The bird's nest-like tangles in her dull gray hair with blue tips were beyond repair.

As for the rest of her appearance, it was in tatters as she looked at herself in the small, broken mirror she had picked up a couple of days ago.

Dust and grime covered Solenia's heart-shaped face, completely masking her beautiful tan skin. Her once well-groomed eyebrows had become overgrown, looking a bit too thick and losing their original shine. Her small and pretty nose became puffy because of her often sneezing after she arrived in this dilapidated garbage dump of a building.

Her plump, attractive pink lips looked chapped, with dried blood covering the cracks on it. Dressed in brown dirtied rags that barely covered her tall frame, she looked like a street rat through and through. Even so, her ruby red eyes shone brightly with vitality and determination to live.

Solenia walked to another corner of the building where she had carefully buried her only precious possession under a pile of metal scraps. It was a large bag, bigger than her, made of a very strong, water-resistant material that she found in the building. She folded it neatly, prepared to go out.

It was time for her to go rummage through the trash.

Exactly a week ago, Solenia went from being a half-dead but wealthy mecha engineering student to a homeless person who had to scavenge for food in order to survive. When she woke up in this new world, a small yet deadly rat-like monster that was unfamiliar to her almost got her, and she barely escaped with her life on the line.

Solenia was a smart person, despite being lazy. It took her only two days to accept the reality she lived in. After assessing her surroundings and seeing all the things that she had previously only seen as prototypes on paper, she came to the rational conclusion that anyone would.

She somehow time traveled into the future after dying because of alcohol poisoning.

Solenia did not know if it was about whether it was her own world's future or a completely separate realm, but it was clear it existed within a unique timeline, distinct from her previous life.

Solenia also came to another logical conclusion after she realized she lived near a garbage dump of all places, with absolutely no money to spend.

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