Part 6

386 13 16

"And here comes the worst part of it" I sigh plugging my defuser in and starting to dry my hair

"I don't understand why you do all that, I just brush my hair" Aryan jokes from where he's sitting on my bed

"Yeah that's why I have prettier hair than you" I talk back as someone knocks on my door. I turn the defuser off still keeping my head the way it is looking at aryan for him to open the door

Charlie and Walker enter the room, Leah and Dior behind them with my Bottle I asked them to fill

I say a quick thanks and get back to diffusing my hair as everyone sits down somewhere and have their own conversation

I give up the diffusing and decide to just let it air dry about 5 minutes into it and jump onto my bed

"Why are you doing all that anyway we have hairstylists on set" Dior grins shaking her head

"Yeah but they asked me to do it this time since I'm gonna have my hair open for the last episode"

"Oh, well sucks for you"

"I dont know if I'm excited or horrified of the interviews coming up after we're done filming" Aryan says his eyes in his phone

"Oh I know I'm horrified, but I mean we get a break until like December. And then there's the premier that's cool I'm really excited for that" I smile looking around to see the others look at me with a kind of apologetic smile

"Who's gonna tell her" Walker jokes shaking his head

"What?" I ask looking around

"Premiers are kinda scary the first few times, especially the first time. It can get really overwhelming" Charlie explains carefully

"It doesn't have to be though" Dior talks between "my first premier was really fun"

"I was at walkers premiers for the Adam project and the secret headquarters, can't be that different right ?"

"It is, it's completely different"

"We'll just have to wait and see" Aryan pitches in seeing the kind of terrified expression on my face

"Yeah and you have all of us you know, the premier is gonna be amazing" Leah adds smiling convincingly "you terrified the poor girl"

"Yeah no not scared at all now" I bite my lip letting all the worst scenario go through my head until I feel a hand rest on my leg

"We're like really close to being done with this" Aryan, while his hand just casually rests on my leg, says looking around

"If we don't get renewed for season 2 I'll quit acting" Walker deadpans

"Honestly same" Leah agrees nodding

"I don't even know what to do anymore when we're done filming" I shrug

"Ah you'll figure it out, you go back to school and everything goes back to pretty normal until, well until the show comes out, that's when it gets really tricky, but until then everything's normal" Charlie explained

"Well not completely normal, most people know that you'll be Skylar but they don't know if you're any good yet, so it's definitely less of a hustle until it premiers but I wouldn't say normal" Dior says looking at me "but I think it's totally worth it"

Am I going to regret all this ? What if people start treating me different after all this, what if people don't like my acting, what if I'm going to be bad at being an actress, what if I should have done all this

What if it's all just what if it's gonna be great, just breath

"Hey momona showed me this game when we were filming the secret headquarters, it's like a what's gonna happen after filming game kind of" we just looked at Walker really confused "Like as an example what do you think the most asked question to you in interviews is gonna be Aryan ?"

"Probably something about the Goat walk" he grinned

"You killed that walk Goat boy" Leah grinned back

"What about you Belle ?"

"Uhh probably something about Walker honestly, like if I only got the role cause of Walker I can totally see that happening a lot" I scrunch my nose looking at him

"Well it technically is" I throw my pillow over at him

We keep playing the game and just talking for a while until we decide to go to sleep since we have to get up at 6 AM tomorrow

Leah, Dior and I share a room in the hotel and Walker, Aryan and Charlie share the room right across from ours

"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again" Dior said as we climbed into our beds and turned the lights off

I put my headphones on and turned on my sleep playlist, yes I have a playlist for every occasion it's really important

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora