Part 81

160 11 17

"Are you sure you're okay ? You don't look that great"

"Gee thanks Aryan" I laugh slightly rolling my eyes

"You know I didn't mean it like that, you're gorgeous all the time, like the prettiest human to exist" I grin slightly feeling butterflies in my stomach "but are you okay ?"

"I'm good, just a cold or something" Aryan didn't look like he believed me one bit but let it go with another concerned look

"I'll come later" I frowned and looked at the screen to figure out what he was talking about, he was looking behind him so probably talking to someone else

"Busy talking to your girlfriend ?" Mckennas voice sounded from the background making me smile just the slightest bit

"What if I am ?"

"There's no "what if" I know that you are"

"Hey kenna" I said through my phone hoping she heard me

"Hey Belle" she called back out

"Hey we can talk later if you have to go"

"No. No I'd rather talk to you now"

"Such a simp"

"Go away Mckenna stop being annoying" I heard a door closing and figured she must've really left since Aryan turned back to me too

"So people are figuring out huh ?"

"They are. I don't know why. I think we're doing a pretty good job" I snort a laugh at that knowing that we're doing a terrible job at hiding it

"So how are we gonna go with this? Insta post, tell them ? Mention it in an interview? In a live ? On TikTok ?"

"What if we keep it private " I look at him "like not secret but just private, let's not do a big oh we're telling people but also like not the oh no we're not dating either you know ? Or we can do an announcement whatever you want really" I smile, guilt eating my stomach, I still hadn't told him what had happened with Jason a week ago

"I think I really like the private relationship"

"Are you sure ? We can do an announcement if you want that"

"Aryan we're both in the relationship you know ? You get to have an opinion about things like this. What do you want to do ?" I rest my head on my hands, laying on my stomach and propping my arms up on my elbows

"I just want you to feel comfortable"

"I am comfortable and happy with anything as long as it's with you, love" he smiled and I could swear he was blushing a bit

"I love you"

"I love you" I hated keeping secrets from him, it wasn't even a secret, just not something I told him, or anyone really. Only Charlie knew about this because I felt... ashamed somehow

"When are you going to meet mo ?"

"My flight is in a week and then hello Vancouver"

"I'm so jelaous, I want to go to Vancouver too"

"Well you could always come visit me"

"You're still like 20 hours away from me"

"I know, but I miss you"

"I miss you too my love" I felt like I just needed Aryan in that moment, like a hug from him could make me forget everything "Belle if there's anything that's bothering you you can tell me you know ?" I felt like crying. He cared so much and I just lied to his face

"Yeah I know" I smiled a little, I looked down and saw the bruises on my wrist and looked back up at Aryan who was eyeing me carefully I looked back down at my wrist and felt my heart beat a little faster "Aryan I-" I looked at him, he was listening to anything I would say I tried to find the right words but felt my eyes tear up just thinking about it

"Belle, you don't have to tell me right now if you're not..."

"No, I uh- well, after i visited Darcy at the hospital last week" the words felt heavy on my tongue as I carefully pushed through it "I told you that I walked home that day, with my headphones on and that I was at a grocery store and all I told you that right ?"


"I told you that nothing really important happened that day right ?"

"Right..." my heart was beating rapidly and I felt my breath catching up to

"Well something might've happened that day when I was walking home" he was frowning at the screen so I just kept going "Alright so, I was walking home with my headphones and I wasn't really paying attention to who was around me because, because I mean why would I ? And then I felt like a hand on my shoulder and I like I did this thing where I like grabbed and twisted it somehow because it caught me so off guard"

"Who was it ?"

"Jason" he stood still waiting for more from me, before jumping to conclusion "I let him go because I figured that he is annoying and all but he's still like Jason you know, just a guy from my grade maybe he wanted to say hi or something. Well I'm not exactly sure what he said something like you know what I want or something in that direction so I just I didn't want to encourage further conversation and wanted to put my headphones back on but he" I ran with a few fingers over my wrist slightly "he grabbed my wrist and like- like he grabbed it really tightly"

"Show me your wrist" I bit my inner cheek but lifted my arm to show him the bruises "that-"

"Wait Aryan, let me- let me finish this first" he sighed but nodded "I told him that it was hurting me repeatedly but he didn't care and then he, he kept saying something I was really panicking so I wasn't really listening anymore and I was trying to like get free from his grip and just get away and he- he grabbed like- he grabbed my jaw and-" I let out a shaky breath "Aryan, I really tried to get away" a tear fell from my eye "And then he- he kissed me" Aryan didn't respond right away, it looked like he was thinking, processing. I didn't say anything either giving him his time

"That bastard" I looked at him, just watching his reaction "He should pray day and night that I don't see him on a street cause what Walker did will seem like kindergarten play"

"You're not mad..?"

"I am mad. I'm furious." He looked at me before something must've clicked in his head "wait at you ? No why would I be mad at you ?" I shrugged a little "if anything I'm mad at myself that I wasn't there to protect you Belle. This isn't your fault. Jason is a dick don't waste your thoughts or tears on him sunshine" there it was again. The feeling like I needed to hug him. I was craving his touch, his arms wrapped around me, his hand on my back, his lips on mine. All of it.

Authors note:
Help I completely forgot about this 😭
Anyways really important exam tomorrow please wish me luck my loves 😋🪻🌟

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now