Part 94

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"Aryan ?"

"Are you crazy ?"

"Hello to you too love, why am I crazy today ?" I set my phone down at the bedside table and start taking my jewellery off

"You got me a freaking record player ?! AND your vinyl ?!"

"Yeah. Do you like it ? You always said that it's so cool when you saw mine"

"It's awesome, but it's too much"

"Shut up. Take a gift Aryan, that is for you to enjoy. Did you listen to the EP yet ?"

"Duh, I died a few times listening to it cause how do I have such a talented Girlfriend ?" I rolled my eyes feeling my cheeks flush a little "I loved every single one of the songs Belle, you are amazing I am so proud of you"

We talked a little longer before I had to get ready to go to the set, we hung up and I grabbed my things and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower

I leaned my hands on the sink and looked into the mirror, I let my eyes wander around my face and let out a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding in

I had been holding my shit together but I was genuinely starting to feel terrified of Jason, like he was always just around the corner waiting for me to be alone

I was sick of it, all of it, I looked at my wrists, they weren't bruised as badly as they were last time but they were bruised, I hadn't even noticed from the chaos, I had marks from my bracelets scarred into my wrist

Walker was right I needed for something to happen, the law needed to get involved because I genuinely can't keep going like this. Am I just going to be terrified when I leave my house at home or when I'm in school all the time now ? This wasn't right.


"Posted" I said laying my phone on the table

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"Posted" I said laying my phone on the table

"Me too" Malia also put her phone down


We waited and read the comments together while we waited for the next scene

It felt crazy, announcing this today and a whole EP tomorrow, but what's life without a little crazy

"Okay girls, we're starting in 5"

"I can't believe how short we're filming for this, like we're almost halfway done and we just started. Filming for Percy Jackson went over half a year" I laughed standing up from my seat

"Well you can't forget that that's fantasy, we don't have to edit goat feet or huge dogs into this" one of the producers said with a smile "this is a little different than that"

"Fair enough. I just can't believe that this is going so fast"

"But it is really going fast, we dont even have two months left" Sophie agreed nodding

"Well that's good isn't it ? It shows that we have fun working on it" another one of the producers said smiling at us "and all of you are doing an amazing job too" we spend the next few hours filming, i went through a few wardrobe changes and honestly filming this was so much fun

You got to spend the day messing around with your friends and occasionally a few children because you are just playing a normal teenage girl

In Percy Jackson nothing about the teenage girl I played was normal, godly parent, boyfriend who wants to basically destroy the world, brother who is doomed to dying at 16 and not only the people around her, skylar had it horribly rough too

I was really excited for the next season though because i got to play an entirely different role, i got to play the villain, i got to be mean and scary, i had no clue if i would be any good in a role like that but i guess that's the fun about acting, you get to see different versions of yourself

We finished up filming for the day and mo and i walked back to her house, i called darcy on the walk home since we hadn't really talked much but just texted the past few days

"Hey darc"

"Hello darcy" mona also called out waving into my phone

"Hey you two, how are you ?"

"Pretty tired i got like 3 hours of sleep on the plane for the entire day"

"Why are you always sleep deprived when i hear from you ?" She laughed

"It's just cause I'm always sleep deprived"

"I heard you got pretty good sleep in aryans arms yesterday" Momona teased with a grin playing on her lips

"Shut up" i rolled my eyes at her "how are you ? Is everything good there ?"

"You know I'm really trying to not have too much hope, but for the first time in like 2 years i feel... not so sick, you know ? Like the chemo is actually working right and killing the cancer"

"Shut up ! That is so amazing darcy"

"But like i said, dont get your hopes too high, even cancer has its better and worse days"

"Whatever is happening next I'm sure that you will get through it darc" she smiled at me

"Wait but, did i see right ? Leah and Walker at Disneyland today ?" I let out a groan letting my head fall back

"They're so pieces of shit, going to Disneyland when they know i cant go, like he whole cast is meeting next week and ll just have to sit back and watch" I complained kicking a stone away "but i mean i have my girls who needs them anyways"

"Well just do something to make them jealous" mo commented looking up from her pone "oh can we make aryan jealous ?"

"I dont think aryans the jealous kind of boyfriend"

"Oh please everyone's a little jealous, even the least jealous people get jealous from time to time, it's human. It shows that you care. A tiny bit of jealousy is good, as long as it doesn't get too controlling " she didn't even know about me accusing Aryan of cheating but somehow those words comforted me in a strange way, I had never been the jealousy type, maybe this did just show that i really cared ?

Authors note:
I didn't fall asleep today yayyy 👯‍♀️
We're a month and a half into filming btw. it's may 16th cause I lost track of when they started filming 😭
But like I looked it up cause I spend over half of the time I write researching to get everything pretty point on and how was the baby-sitters club filming 3 months and Percy Jackson like 8 ?!
Anyways research is key yall, I spend like 3 hours researching and 1 hour writing today 😭
Hope you enjoyed the chap loves 🫶

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now