Part 102

129 8 27

"Hurry up Belle we're gonna be late"

"I'm hurrying chill Walker" I called out going back to applying my mascara

"We're gonna be late because of you" he groaned from the room, i finished the mascara and took a look in the bathroom mirror

I was wearing a light green silk dress that ended near my knee and had bow straps, with light green shows also with a bow

I put on the necklace Aryan got me when he asked me to be his girlfriend, some long gold earrings and a few bracelets

The promise ring still rested on my finger, I hadn't taken it off once since he gave it to me and found myself admiring it occasionally


"Geez I'm coming" I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my purse "there, I'm ready"

"Finally" I rolled my eyes and unplugged my phone looking at the messages i had gotten then turning to Walker who was grinning at his phone

"Now who's waiting on who, tell your girlfriend I said hi" I rolled my eyes walking over to close the window

"She says hi back" I hadn't actually expected him to write her that, or to get a reply but I smiled a little, it was so strange seeing Walker like this, I don't think he had ever seriously talked to a girl and this had been going on for a while now

"Wait, you didn't protest when I called her your girlfriend" I turned around and caught his eye, he was blushing. Walker was freaking blushing "Oh my god ?! Walker shut up" he shrugged

"It's been like two weeks, it's still pretty new"

"Don't do this to me, come on. Twin code" I hadn't pulled the twin code before because I really wanted to give him his space and for him to find out where it was going first but Walker wouldn't spill without a little nudge

"She's amazing" I smiled "we've been talking for almost 3 months now and met a bunch of times and two weeks ago I just kinda asked her"

"I can't believe you did all that without telling me"

"She doesn't want to be put in the public, she's starting to warm up to me introducing you to her. Believe me I wanted to tell you all of it but I wanted to respect her wanting to stay private"

"Stop when did you start being a decent human being ?!" He rolled his eyes not answering that

"Her name is Mel" I paused, I didn't expect him to actually start sharing details but I was so here for it "She's 15" he seemed to choose very carefully which information he shared and how much he shared which was actually really sweet. He took his phone and looked for something and I was shocked to find out he was searching for a picture to show me, the girl was gorgeous and genuinely looked really sweet



"Shes beautiful Walker"

"I know" he turned his phone back and got up from his bed "but we have to go now, enough about her"

"Wait her name is Mel ? Just Mel ?"

"She's not telling me her entire name I'm still trying to figure it out" I laughed at him "stop being annoying we have to go"

"Wait" he groaned as I went into the bathroom, I applied my lipstick real quick and put it in my purse to reapply, just in case "alright I'm ready"

"Finally" we left the room and Walker closed the door after himself

"We're like too early I don't know what you're on about"

"We're not early it starts in 10 minutes and we have to drive there like 20"

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora