Part 69

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"You know, I loved your song" I smiled as the hairdresser blew out another piece of my hair

"Really ? You listened to it ?"

"Of course, and genuinely I'm not just saying this cause you're my client or whatever but it was really really good, I mean it hurt me and I'm a grown woman who's been happily married for 3 years" I smile again happily, I have read comments saying that they liked it and my friends had told me but hearing someone who is not a direct friend of mine saying this to my face made me strangely happy

"Hey are you almost done ?" Aryan asked popping his head into my room

"We'll be done in about 10 minutes" Brianna told him while working on another piece of my hair

"Okay, we're all done and waiting" I looked at Aryan through the mirror in front of me and just smiled admiring how handsome he looked in his suit, he caught my eyes and grinned before leaving

"Well he's cute isn't he?" I looked at Brianna, again through the mirror, she had a slight grin on her face her eyes on my hair

"Who ? Aryan ?"

"Yeah" he is, he really is and I felt giddy just thinking about it but I kept my cool and shrugged


"You don't think he's cute ?"

"He's alright" acting was coming out really handy right now

"You two are really close huh ? Are you like a thing ?" Her eyes wandered to mine through the mirror for a second while I was just thrown off by the question

"What ? No" I had a really bad voice crack at the no and cleared my throat

"Oh sorry, I just thought you two would look kind of cute together" she still had that knowing grin on her face, I bit my inner cheeks to keep myself from blabbering it all out "I-"

"We do don't we ?" I finally bursted out "I lied, we are dating and he's the sweetest boy that I know, he's so- so caring and careful and kind and respectful and amazing and-" I just shot it all out "and I don't know why I just told you, please don't tell anyone" Briana smiled widely at me

"Oh please I've known that you like each other for a while now, I just wasn't entirely sure if one of you manned up yet before he came in"

"Shit, are we that obvious ?" This was going to be our first public appearance as a couple and I was kind of freaking out cause we had to be really careful

"No you're fine, well a little but it's okay, I don't think anyone would notice if they're not paying direct attention to it"

"God I've been dying to talk to someone who's not related to either of us about this for ages"

"How long have you been together ?"

"March 13th" I smile brightly "almost a month now"

"Oh this is so cute"

"You really can't tell anyone"

"I promise I won't tell, public life is really rough, I can't even imagine what it is like at your age"

"It's tough, but it's also really fun. I've made like a lot of my closest friends through this"

She finished my hair and helped me put my dress on before starting to put her things together

"Can I come in ?"

"Yeah" Aryan enters the room and just stands there looking at me for a moment before walking up to me, he then sees Brianna still paling her things up in the back and stops "it's okay, she knows" Aryan frowns for a second but places his hands on each side of my waist and kisses me softly

"You look so gorgeous, you are so gorgeous" he says looking straight into my eyes, then he leaned to me "you make me go crazy Belle have I ever told you that ?" He whispers into my ear before placing a kiss on my cheek

I felt that same great strange feeling in my stomach and just smiled not being able to respond, he let go of his hands on my waist and we went outside  

"Where's Walker ?" I asked looking around not finding my twin

"He's in the car already, said you were taking too long"

"Asshole" we went to the car waiting for us, Aryan opened the door for me and helped me get in before getting in himself

"Oh look who honoured us with their presence" Walker said sarcastically

"I know right, I'm just so great that I let you breath the same air as me" I say back with a complete serious expression on my face

"You should charge him for breathing the same air as you for real" Aryan agreed nodding

"I think I should charge her for wasting my precious time"

"You want to have the broken leg and crutches ?" I frown at him

"Maybe if you wouldn't try a trick you saw on TikTok once immediately on ice you wouldn't have broken you leg you know ?"

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone answering Leah's messages quickly and sending her a picture Brianna took of me after she helped me with my dress

"You think Star Wars actors will be there ?" Aryan asked Walker, smiling excitedly

"I have brought peace, freedome, justice and security to me new empire" I whisper under my breath still looking at my phone making Aryan stop and look at me

"You know Star Wars ?"

"Oh plead I love Star Wars, I grew up with him" I say pointing at Walker "I grew up on the movies, and the clone wars, god I love the clone wars"

Authors note:
Star Wars >>>>>>
I'm too tired to think of something to write here so good night/morning/evening/noon whenever you're reading this
Again I didn't have time to read through it so excuse my mistakes and please let me know if you see and mistakes 😭
I hope you enjoyed reading this 🤭🪻

Sunshine, Starlight | Aryan Simhadri Where stories live. Discover now