46 [] Crispmas is the most wonderful time of the year

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TW: Minor Swearing, mention of murder.

"You know, Crispmas is in 2 weeks."

Latte said, and Raspberry nodded.

"I guess so."

Espresso said and drank some coffee.

"What should we do this year for Crispmas? Last year, we did a secret santa,"

Latte crossed out her fingers as Raspberry listed all the things they've done.

"This year, I heard they're firing fire works!"

Madeleine said, and Latte crossed her finger off.

"We could watch the fireworks this year!"

Latte said, and Madeleine agreed. Followed by Raspberry. Espresso nodded, and they all figured to just watch the fire works that year.

"Should we do gifts this year?"
Raspberry asked, and they all shrugged.
"It is part of Crispmas, but we haven't done gifts in a long while."

Espresso said, and they just decided it is what it is. After a while, they all started talking about Crispmas again.

"You know, it's snowing a lot. We could just stay inside and drink hot cocoa if it's too cold."

Madeleine said, and the others agreed.

"But, if Eclair isn't well by then . . "
Latte said, and Madeleine interrupted.
"We could just go to where Eclairs staying and celebrate there."

He always seemed to look on the bright side. Espresso admired that.

Later. . .

Raspberry and Madeleine had left. Madeleine was at his place sitting on his bed as he watched the snow fall outside. His mind traced to espresso. Madeleine put his pillow over his face and groaned. He watched as the snow fell outside as he sat back up.

Madeleine tried to get his mind onto another topic. But it stayed on espresso.

With Espresso . . .

Espresso was at his desk and writing down his daily entry. Conscious was there, too. She was walking around talking about shit.

"Hmmmm, something has been annoying, you huh?"

Conscious said and tried to think of something.

"You think everyone hates you, huh?"

Conscious said and tried to go through Espressos' thoughts. He shook his head, and she tried looking through his thoughts again.

"You're thinking about trying to kill someone again?"

She said, and Espresso shook his head. Conscious groaned and continued to think. And looking through his thoughts once again. Conscious got a bit frustrated and just started guessing.

"You hate yourself, uhhh, you hate me! Nah, no one hates me, uhm, AHHHH, I DONT KNOW!"

Conscious said and just disappeared in frustration. Then she came back.

"You like someone, but you dont want to tell them to ruin your friendship, right?"

Conscious said, and Espresso looked over at her.

"That's very detailed and yes."

Conscious started going through his thoughts again. Espresso just scribbled in the corner of the page of his journal.

"Ahhh, who is it!? Raspberry? Rye?"

Espresso shook his head at Conscious's comment. She groaned and left. Espresso continued to write in his journal. Every now and then, he could hear Conscious's grumbles in the distance.

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