Chapter 10

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This chapter is bit sensitive on the topic of sexual abuse so if it is a trigger please skip. Thanks

Song- Needed me by Rihanna

Jiyoon's POV

To say I was pissed is an understatement, I am beyond pissed. First of all, how did Reagan know about everything? Ahh and how am I going to explain all this to my mom, God knows how much I hate disappointing her.

"Sorry you asked for me Mrs. Song" I said walking into the dean's office nervously.

"Please sit Ms. Park, I'm sure you already know why you're here" She responded looking at some files on her desk but she looked so much younger than the pictures of the staff. "And please it's Ms. Song, her assistant and daughter, um my mom is out on an important meeting so I'll be attending to you today".

"About my being here Ms. Song... I don't even know why I did that. Actually, I do, sorry... I'm just nervous" I said frantically looking around the office.

"Hey calm down, I'm here to hear your side of the story not judge you plus I'm not my mom. If you have a good reason for all this which I find hard to believe but you never know, then I'll try to clear your name but there will still be consequences." She said smiling which eased a bit of the tension I was feeling.

"Um well I did all this for attention, I thought if I was a big shot in school, I could forget all the problems I'm facing at home and be normal. I get that doesn't explain why I drugged and blackmailed innocent and not so innocent people but it's hard to explain".

"What problems are you facing at home?" She asked looking very curious

"Well, it's kind of complicated"

"Do you want a chance at clearing your name?"

"Yes of course I do. Umm well my dad's great and all but he's never home, and well because of that um my mom, she messes with me instead. Sorry I've never really talked to anyone about this so it's difficult for me."

"That's okay, take your time and what do you mean messing with you?"

Nosy much? I thought but continued regardless.

"Well ever since I was in middle school, I've always known I liked girls and have been out, and of course I had a muscular build so she found it attractive. And like I said my dad is never home so she gets lonely, umm she started touching me when I was young and I guess I grew to like the 'attention' I was getting from her. I always did everything I could to make her happy because it made me feel good. But my grades dropped drastically when it happened and I wasn't a star student like I used to be which is why I was ecstatic when I got accepted here. The worst part about all this is that I have feelings for her and she takes advantage of that, like all the time. When I realized this, I tried to get away from these feelings as much as I could and be normal, not some weird asshole that's in love with their mother. I know I hurt a lot of people emotionally but it's not intentional, I really am into them until I'm not. I can't really explain it. Sorry, this is a lot, isn't it?" I said feeling the tears I didn't even notice start to fall. "Most people call it molestation and rape but is it really that if I enjoyed it and wanted more?"

"Of course it is, it's not your fault you got used to it. It just means it's something that went on for too long when it shouldn't have." She said, trying to sympathize with me.

"I'm really sorry for everything I did, I'll apologize to the people I hurt and take full responsibility for everything. And thank you Ms..?

"Stephanie, Stephanie Song. I'm sorry for everything you've gone through but you shouldn't feel like it's your fault. I'm here if you ever wanna talk... about anything."

"Thanks again Stephanie for everything, Umm when will I get the result of the decision?"

"Don't worry, I'll email you but for now stay out of trouble Ms. Park." She smiled widely and I have to admit she's beautiful. Am I really thinking that right now, with ruined mascara? Right my makeup.

"Oh, most definitely, you don't have to worry about that." I said wiping my eyes, most definitely? What the fuck was that choice of wording.

"Bye Jiyoon."

"Um yea bye." I said before leaving the room and scolding myself for acting so stupid. I ran to the closest bathroom to fix my makeup, well it's not that bad.


I turned around to see Soyoung, wow just my luck.

"Yea, umm I want to.." before I could finish she slapped me.

"That, that was well deserved, I actually wanted to talk to you and apologize but I understand no amount of apology will fix what happened that night. I wish I could tell you why I did all this but it wouldn't change the fact that it was a selfish thing to do."

"Why, why did you do it? I lost someone I loved because of you so tell me why please." She said, grabbing the sleeves of my jacket.

"Well, it looks like I'm doing a lot of opening up today. It's a very long story so I think we should go somewhere and just talk."

"Um ok sure and sorry for slapping you, I've just been very angry at you".

"It's ok, I deserved it. Shall we?" I said opening the bathroom door and heading out with her.

Few moments later

"I'm really sorry about all that's happened to you Jiyoon, but you should have talked to Reagan and I about it. We would have understood, we're your friends."

"You are?"

"Yes, well I still am. I don't know about Reagan; I haven't talked to her since..." she paused looking down

"Since when, what happened?" I asked, a bit confused. "Did you guys fight about something?"

"I haven't talked to her since I caught you cheating on her. I was the one that told her you were cheating, I'm sorry I felt angry with you. I mean you got to be with her and mess with other people while I lost her over a very stupid mistake."

"It wasn't your fault and I get it; I would have done the same for someone I loved."

"Thanks, I think you should talk to her; try to fix things up, you know?"

"Yea I'll do that. I want you to know that I actually liked her for some time; I wasn't just playing with her feelings but later on they just died down."

"I understand, just talk to her. She might not come around now, but she definitely will."

"Thanks for being here Soyoung, you honestly would have been perfect for Reagan."

With that she smiled. "You really think so?"

"Hell yea, you're amazing, brilliant, kind, the list goes on really."

"Ya, stop flattering me" she said, hiding the pink tint that stained her cheeks.

"Are you blushing? Are you sure you don't like me?" I teased while her cheeks just turned a deeper shade of pink.

"Ya, stop you ugly asshole" she pouted while hitting my shoulder.

"Alright, do you wanna catch up since you're here? We could go somewhere fun like an arcade. I just want to have fun while I still can."

"Right, you haven't gotten the email yet. Well, you met the dean today, maybe she's still deciding; she's a busy woman, you know?"

"That's the thing, I met her daughter well assistant."

"Oh well let's just have fun, don't worry too much about it."

"Alright" I responded and we left for the arcade.

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