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Ferdinand's POV

I was having a very bad headache. Sylvester the current aub and my half brother had given me a very annoying task to complete "Go to tempest to establish trade relations". Easier said than done our duchy follows the religion of luminism with its core tenants being  to kill all monster and not to come in contact with them. We had Templar knights stationed at the border with the Jura forest along  with our own knights. We can't use that route as we will be caught very easily and our duchy will be in peril. The only other routes are via Dwargon or Blumund but since Dwargon is a nation of dwarves and they are considered near to monsters our knights are also stationed there and I will easily be recognized hence the only viable path is Blumund. I need to ask Baron Velyard and Fuze the guild manager for details about Rimuru leader of the monsters.

I swiftly made preparations and started contacting my knight guard and merchant contact about the travel. I was in luck to have Myne who was also an otherworlder seemingly from the same country as Rimuru hence I can at least go there and understand what language they speak and their tradition and tenants. I can't be too forceful either as it is known that Rimuru posses various monsters under his command and we would be dead if we instigated them too much . Really a truly headache inducing job. 

"Arno call Myne to meet me now I have something to discuss with her".(Ferdinand)

"As you wish".(Arno)

Arno immediately left and then after sometime Myne entered.

"Head Priest you called for me?" asked Myne dressed in her apprentice shrine maiden robes. She was currently staying at the orphanage as it was harvest festival time and no one was present to conduct ceremonies.

 She was currently staying at the orphanage as it was harvest festival time and no one was present to conduct ceremonies

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(imagine this but pure  white instead of the usual blue credit goes to

After we lost the grace of our old gods our instruments which we used to do all our daily work had stopped working , fortunately for us god luminous helped us as we could pray to her for holy magic which was compatible with our instruments and we were saved from a disaster. All our old bibles were removed and burned the temple was refurbished to depict god Luminas and it became a sin to remember our old gods. Myne was now the only person besides me in the church who could do the ceremonies required to heal earth and other blessings besides me. If a call  came suddenly for a Trombe extermination we were present so that the knights did not have a hard time fighting it and repairing the earth.

I gave myne a golden magic tool which was a privacy tool to prevent others from eavesdropping.

"Myne you will go with me on a very secret mission tell your parents that one of them could come to watch over you along with your sister. Benno and Lutz are also coming and don't breath a word about it to anyone".(Ferdinand)

"Is it about Tempest head priest?". Myne told with an expectant gaze at me.

"Yes". I gace a nod

"Understood Head priest I will inform my parents". She looked a little sad that she was being forced to do this can't blame her though she doesnt have the best impression of nobles. 

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