Chapter 346. One Step Closer (1)

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Thinking that Sovieshu had taken care of her real father, Rashta summoned Viscount and Viscountess Isqua.

It was Duke Elgy who brought the couple. Sovieshu seemed to know that the couple were fake parents, but Rashta wanted to make them leave on their own just in case.

"... this worries me because of the rumors that have arisen lately."

After Rashta told them about the situation and asked them to go away for a while, the couple answered with tears in their eyes.

"Alright. We would never do anything to hurt you."

Although when they asked for money to find their real daughter they were a nuisance, at least they were better than her real father at times like this.

"Thank you. I'll call you to come back when circumstances improve."

"Remember that you can also call us if you need help."

"Of course."

Rashta sobbed and hugged the couple.

"I wish you two were my real parents."

As soon as Rashta said this, Evely came to her mind, so she took a startled step back.

Then, she handed the couple the money she intended to give them along with the money she originally intended to give to her real father.

Unless Evely died or disappeared, she would never call the couple again. This could be the goodbye and the last great present for them.

'Given such generosity, they won't say anything bad about me even if they leave for another country.'

The Viscount sighed, accepted the money and said sadly,

"Thank you, Rashta."

The Viscountess hastened to add.

"We will never forget you."

"If we leave at once, people might find it strange, so it's best to wait for the right time."

Rashta also thought it would be best, so she nodded in agreement.

Later, she went to visit Sovieshu. The guard told her that Sovieshu would only receive her in his bedroom.

Rashta had not wanted to enter his bedroom because of the blue bird, but Sovieshu confirmed in the incident with Viscountess Verdi that the bird was afraid of her, so now it did not matter.

Rashta had no choice but to enter Sovieshu's bedroom. But as soon as she entered, she opened her mouth in surprise, she didn't even have time to remember the days when she had been loved by Sovieshu.

It was because of a large painting hanging on the wall.

The painting had been hung so that it could be better seen from the front as one sat on the bed.


Rashta frowned and hesitantly approached the painting.

Actually, there were two paintings. One showed Princess Glorym, lying comfortably in the cradle with a beautiful smile on her face.

And next to it... was the painting that surprised her, in which an unpleasant face appeared.

The Empress Navier.

Sovieshu appeared lying on Empress Navier's lap as she looked at him with a cold expression.

Rashta felt something pop in her head, she was stunned.

Regardless of what anyone else said, she was now Sovieshu's wife. The High Priest personally approved of Empress Navier's divorce from Emperor Sovieshu, and he also approved Rashta's marriage to Sovieshu.

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