Chapter 377. Secret Intruder (2)

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After the tea party was over, I went out for a walk in the garden alone. Due to the unexpected information, I needed to reorganize my thoughts.

The concubine of the former king was one of the noblewomen I had invited to tomorrow's tea party.

Rashta came to mind at the mention of 'the king's concubine', so I was reluctant to meet that noblewoman.

I wasn't worried that Heinley might fall in love with another woman. I just didn't want to meet someone who had been a concubine as a candidate for my child's nanny.

But I hesitated just as I was about to decide to cancel the invitation. It wouldn't be right to outcast a person with whom I had no relationship. I had even talked face to face with Sovieshu several times, and he was the person who hurt me the most.

I may not be a popular socialite but I held a powerful position. If I were to openly show even slight dislike for someone, it would cause other nobles to avoid that person as well.

Wouldn't she be ostracized by high society if I suddenly canceled the invitation? Since my every action can affect others, shouldn't I be more even-handed in my treatment of people?

At that moment, I saw some servants unloading boxes from a carriage, and one of them caught my eye. I wondered why a servant caught my eye, and I realized that I had never seen him before. I knew the faces of all the people who worked here in the imperial palace well.

'Is he new?'

Except for the official business that I had to attend to, lately I paid no attention to anything else. It was likely that new people had been hired during this time.

When our gazes met, he bowed to me as if he recognized me and continued unloading the boxes.

After I looked over there for a while, I turned around and went back the way I came.

I walked through the garden deep in thought, but just before I entered the corridor I caught a glimpse of the unknown servant reflected in a gleaming pillar. He was following me with silent steps.

My heart began to pound in fear.

It could be a coincidence, but since he was a complete stranger I was worried that he might have bad intentions.

Although most of the forces that had opposed Heinley had quietly surrendered, there were still roots that had not been cut.

After some thought, I decided to cause the stranger to slip by using my magic to freeze the floor beneath his feet. I quickly determined his position through the pillar and used my magic. However, I had no experience in mana control, so it was difficult to accurately calculate the necessary mana power.

I heard a hiss followed by a loud thud, and I turned around and saw that the servant had fallen to the floor. The floor beneath his feet was frozen, but so were his legs.

Although I was surprised by the result, I tried to pretend it hadn't been me, "Are you alright?"

A group of guards who had heard the noises hurriedly approached. They shouted in alarm at the scene before their eyes.

"It's an intruder!"

"An intruder attacked someone!"

"Catch him!"

As soon as they saw me, their faces turned deathly pale.

"Your Majesty, get away at once!"

"No, it's just that..."

Shortly after the guards pinned down the unknown servant, the commotion escalated when Viscount Langdel arrived with his men.

The servant struggled against the knights, as if he feared he would be stabbed. His fear increased when Viscount Langdel held his sword to his neck without hesitation.

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