Chapter 6

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*Claridge's, Mayfair*

"Adelaide Woodhouse! Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" Emily Dickens greeted me with a hug and I was thrilled to see a familiar face. She was a friend of Florence having met through Scotland Yard and she introduced her to Ambrose Lisle-Twickenham - Theodore's best friend with the two now engaged to be married, hopefully by the end of summer. "How long has it been?"

"Christmas in Oxford, remember?" I recalled as we sat down together at my little table. "Theodore and Ambrose almost set themselves on fire with the fireworks for New Year's Eve!"

Emily laughed as I called the hostess to bring over another cup and saucer for her.

"That might be so but I have heard much about you since then!" Emily raised her eyebrows. "Ambrose told me about all that happened in Paris..."

I grinned. "Which part?"

"All of it! Including Theodore's antics..." Emily remarked, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

"My first holiday abroad and all sorts of madness ensues..." I replied, sipping my tea as Emily laughed. "You must be feeling the madness too! The wedding is so soon!"

"Indeed..." Emily smiled, her cheeks flushing a little pink. "It's a bit chaotic as Ambrose's family insisted on taking care of everything, but my family still feel they need to make an input."

"Have you got the dress?"

"It is in final alterations..." Emily grinned. "I feel very beautiful in it and I know Ambrose will love me in it too..."

I smiled. "I know he will..."

"Enough about me..." Emily waved her hand. "Tell me about you! I hear you are on the arm of a certain Earl of Nottingham?"

I blushed. "If you mean the useless Earl of Nottingham, then you will be correct..." We both laughed. "Yes...well...we would be attending the society events this summer brothers..."

"I heard..." Emily winced and I pouted.

"Is nothing sacred?" I groaned.

"Theodore tells Ambrose everything!" Emily protested. "And look...if you want something to hold over your should know that they are not exactly...innocent when it comes to female relations..." She raised her eyebrows and I groaned.

"And that is what I do not understand! Why is it an issue and scandal when it is me, but my brothers can sleep their way around London and no one bats an eye..." I wasn't stupid - I know Emerson and Theodore had had liaisons with plenty of women in London and beyond in their university days.

Emily smiled. "Society puts the burden on women...always..." Emily explained and I knew she was right. Mama dealt with the scandal for years till the day she died when she met and fell for Papa. She was the one who was shunned from society and alienated while Papa continued with life as normal.

"It's not fair..." I pouted.

"Never mind that..." Emily waved her hand. "Congratulations on the graduation! Ambrose and I were in Wiltshire sorting out flowers and decorations for the wedding. You did get our gift, right?"

I nodded, remembering the beautiful dress that arrived two days later in the post. "It is very beautiful. I don't know when I will wear it though! Maybe for the wedding?"

Ada & The Queen (The Woodhouse Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now