Terminus Part 2

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Season 4/5

If it seems too good to be true it probably is, right?

The place has been here for nearly as long as this started? Dallas was not convinced. Or at least not convinced that its been such a sanctuary. There is not enough people they've seen to back that claim up.

Alex took them to a woman who was cooking meat outside. All five of them noticed how creepy these peoples eyes were, it was just hard to figure out why. As this woman handed Carl a plate, Dallas was shocked by Rick suddenly attacking Alex and putting a gun to his head.

Daryl lifted his crossbow at the woman, Carl pointed his gun at no one in particular, and Michonne looked around with her machete. Dallas had no clue what they were doing, and stood there next to Michonne. There was a man in the distance with a gun pointed to the group, but the others just stood up watching. Dallas inspected those people quickly, realizing they seemed to be wearing things she's seen before. She was too busy looking at the woman cooking the stinky meat that she didn't notice right away.

"Where the hell did you get this watch?" Rick saying that made Dallas's heart drop. That was Glenn's. Rick spotted it in his pocket. It clicked right away that the others have been here, they are all wearing their things.

The guy with a gun on the roof put his weapon down after Alex yelled at him to. He warned Rick to listen to him, that there's a lot of them but Rick wasn't listening, "Where did you get the watch?"

"I got it off a dead one. I didn't think he'd need it." Rick yanked his body to face his people, "What about the riot gear? The poncho?"

"Got the riot gear off a dead cop." Gareth appeared from behind the group, "Found the poncho on a clothesline."

Rick turned around again with the gun still pointed at Alex, "Gareth we can wait."

"Shut up, Alex."

"You talk to me." Rick stared hard into Gareth, who was too calm about all of this.

"What's there left to say? You don't trust us anymore."

"Gareth." Alex tried to say something but Gareth cut him off.

"Shut up." He put his hand up, staring back at Rick, "It's okay. It's okay... Rick what do you want?"

"Where are our people?"

"You didn't answer the question." The man closed his raised hand and within a couple of seconds there was gunfire everywhere and someone shot Alex dead. Bullets were spraying around their feet, but nothing was hitting them. She thought either they were lousy shots or they had a motive.

"Carl, get down now! Go!" Rick motioned for them to start running but as they ran forwards there was shots at their feet. Every place they went their feet were shot at.

Daryl kept Dallas behind him, but she knew they weren't aiming to hit them. They would have by now if they wanted to. They were trying to push them somewhere. They found some garage warehouse thing to run into, but someone closed the door right as they went in.

Daryl tried to push a gate open, it didn't move. They found another door right across from it and ran through it. They ran in a line, shots still going behind their feet like they were animals being round up.

The 5 kept running through what seemed to be an endless maze. Dallas stopped hearing people shout for help followed by banging sounds, "Let us out!"

She turned to look at containers. She went to go back towards them but Rick grabbed her arm and pulled her, "Keep going."

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