• Chapter 1 •

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3rd person pov

Angel wakes up, yawning with his sleeping pet pig, Fat nuggets right next to him. He hears a series of dings on his phone and thinks "Why does he need to see me so god damn early" he sighs, picking up the phone to be a little surprised. "One message from Val and two from..Husk?" He was kind of shocked knowing that Husk, the bartender and the hotel he was staying at, never wanted anything to do with him. He opens the message from Valentino, his boss first to see what time he would need him in the studio. The message reads "Heyy Angel love, I don't think I'll be needing you until this evening. Make sure to not. Be. Late." Angel is honestly super happy he doesn't have to go into work super early like usual, so he can finally hang out at the hotel for longer today. He looks at the time and it reads "9:47". "God it's still early.." he said a loud. Angel remembers he still had a message from Husk so he wanted to see what he needed. This message reads, "Morning of you need any drinks when you get up I won't be there I needed to go out and get something for Alastor." Angel didn't mind this because he knew it would take him at least an hour to actually get up and get ready. So, he sets his phone down and drift back to sleep.

A/N/ I forgot how weird it is to write something so idk how I feel abt this chapter...it kinda seems slow but it'll pick up the pase soon dwdw

I Wanna Be Yours ~ HuskerdustWhere stories live. Discover now