• Chapter 7 •

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3rd person pov

As Husk gets up, he walks down the hallway to see Angel's room. He thinks to himself "should I? He's probably pissed at me." But nevertheless, he knocks. He hears Angel scrimmage around his room for a second before unlocking the door and creaking it open, "What." Angel sniffles, still obviously crying. Husk looks at him for a second, he felt bad for doing this to him "Look..I'm sorry, all my emotions came over me at once and I was being a dumbass." Husk said, looking away from Angel's gaze, quiet often. "You could've just said you didn't like me y'know." Angel cuts him off, getting irritated at how much Husk was talking. "I do Angel, but I haven't loved anyone in..a while so the feeling is just now coming back to me." Husk confessed. Angel stared at him, blankfaced shocked about what Husk just admitted. "Oh." Angel said, It was all he could say in the moment, still a little shocked he added "So-uhm what..now?" He opened his door and let Husk in, not realizing it was still half way open and anyone in the hotel could hear them. "I don't know," Husk sat next to Angel on his bed. "What do you think..? Husk looked up locking eyes, again with Angel. Husk didnt realize but je was taking quick glances at his lips. "Well, for starters. Do you want to..y'know date?" Angel stammered, looking down at his lap and Fat Nuggets by his feet. "I think..I kinda want some time to think though." Husk answered, he was still looking at Angel but Angel wasn't doing the same. "Sorry for uhm, kissing you earlier." Angel added sounding kinda worried about what Husk is gonna say in response. "No,no I'm sorry for the way I acted afterwards, it made me look like an ass." Husk chuckled, placing one of his hands on the back of his neck. "Did you enjoy it?" Angel quickly said. "Hmh?" Husk said, not hearing him the first time. "Nothing." Angel responded. Husk had realized what Angel said and not think he took Angel's face and pulled him another for another kiss, except this time they both knew it was coming. The both of them needed and wanted it. Angel wrapped one pair of arms around Husk neck and the other around his waist. It was delicate. Husk took Angel's hand around his waist. They pulled away from the kiss. "That was..amazing" Angel breathed out. Husk laughs quietly. "Yeah. I've been wanting to do that for the longest time." Angel looks at him, smiling "how long!?" He excitedly questions. Husk leans in and says "Forever." He kissed Angel again. This time just a peck but it still made the both of them a blushing mess. "You're such a dork" Angel teased.

A/n this literally made me smile sm. I love writing cute little fluff scenes like this one 🙏🙏

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