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Their eyes meet, and for a moment, everything went silent, it was just them, a weird feeling in both of their chest , the storm outside being like a background relaxing 'music' for them


And there they were , literally forgetting the outside world

They had some distance in between them , but Felix closed it , by sitting on the other's lap

The sexual tension was growing between them

Hyunjin placed his hands on the freckled boy

They just looked at each other for awhile before Felix leaned in but stopping right away of Hyunjin's lips

Fe: I-

Oh come on, Hyunjin thought to himself, not really thinking straight (A/N : Haha, cus he's not straight for sure)

So, he grabbed the younger by the back of his neck and kissed him

Lix responded to it , of course , putting his hands on Hyunjin's shoulders

As their lips met, a surge of electricity coursed through them, igniting a passion that neither could deny

The storm outside intensified, mirroring the tempestuous emotions swirling within them.

Felix's heart raced as he felt Hyunjin's strong arms encircle him, pulling him closer still

Hyunjin couldn't believe what he was doing - defying his own nature to embrace this unexpected connection with another guy

But in that moment, all rational thought fled as instinct took over.
(A/N: The gay instinct)

His fingers tangled in Felix's fiery hair, deepening the kiss and exploring every curve of his mouth.

Felix moaned softly against Hyunjin's lips, surrendering completely to the intensity of their shared desire

He wrapped his legs around Hyunjin's waist, drawing him even nearer until they were pressed together from head to toe

Their bodies seemed to meld into one another, creating an intimate dance fueled by raw emotion and undeniable chemistry

Hyunjin then moved his hands to Felix's ass getting a hold , then carrying him upstairs in his room as they still made out

With each step up the stairs, Hyunjin's grip on Felix tightened, eliciting soft gasps from the freckled as they continued their passionate embrace

The storm outside raged on, its fury echoing the tumultuous feelings coursing through both boys


As they reached the top of the staircase, Hyunjin kicked open his bedroom door with a force born of pent-up desire and longing

He carried Felix across the threshold and gently laid him down onto the bed, never once breaking their heated kiss

Their tongues danced together in a sensual duel that left them both breathless and wanting more

Hyunjin trailed hot kisses along Felix's jawline and down his neck, savoring every inch of exposed skin beneath his fingertips.

Felix arched into Hyunjin's touch, eager for more contact between them. He ran his hands over the slightly older's broad shoulders and muscular back, marveling at how perfectly they fit together


With a deep, ragged breath, Hyunjin pulled back from their kiss and gazed intently into Felix's eyes.

The storm outside continued to rage on, mirroring the tempestuous emotions within them both.

Hy:I don't know what's happening..

he whispered hoarsely, running a hand through his tousled hair

Hy:But I can't seem to resist you.

Felix smiled softly, reaching up to cup Hyunjin's cheek in his palm but as soon as he realized what's happening his smile slowly faded and he took his hands back

He gulped down the words he intended to say

Hyunjin noticed the change on the freckled boy's face and he didn't liked it , at all

Hy: Why-

Felix just pulled his face down and kissed him

Fe: Less talk.. more action

Hyunjin hesitated for a split second, unsure of how to interpret Felix's sudden change in demeanor

But as the freckled boy pulled him back into their heated embrace, any lingering doubts vanished like smoke on the wind

His hands found their way to Felix's hips once again, gripping tightly as if anchoring himself amidst this emotional whirlwind

A low growl escaped his throat as he deepened the kiss, determined to silence whatever thoughts threatened to derail their passion.

Felix responded eagerly, matching Hyunjin's intensity with equal fervor.

Their tongues entwined in a feverish dance that spoke volumes about the depth of their connection..something far beyond mere physical attraction or curiosity...

In that moment, they transcended labels and expectations, becoming simply two souls lost in an intoxicating blend of lust and affection


Hyunjin abruptly broke their kiss, leaving both of them panting heavily as they stared into each other's eyes

The storm outside continued to rage on, its fury now mirrored in the turbulent emotions swirling within them

Suddenly, Hyunjin became acutely aware of the scars marring his own flesh - reminders of dark days spent battling demons that still haunted him even now

He knew those marks would tell a story no onw , especially Felix wasn't prepared to hear, and he couldn't bear the thought of seeing disappointment or pity reflected in those vibrant brown eyes.

Without warning, he pulled away from their embrace, leaving Felix momentarily stunned by the abrupt shift in mood


Hyunjin's sudden withdrawal caught Felix off guard, but he could sense there was more going on beneath the surface

As much as he wanted to pull Hyunjin back into his arms and get laid tonight, he remained still, allowing the taller one some space to collect himself

Fe: What happened?

Felix asked quietly, keeping his tone neutral

He noticed the way Hyunjin's gaze had shifted away from him, towards the window where raindrops streaked down the glass like tears

It seemed as though an invisible wall had been erected between them - a barrier built from memories too painful to share aloud.

Feeling helpless in that moment, Felix tried to find the right words to break through whatever held Hyunjin captive within his own mind

But before he could speak again, a distant rumble of thunder echoed throughout the room, shaking loose another cascade of water droplets against the panes

Felix stared at Hyunjin a while but then he sat at the edge of the bed

Fe: I.. should leave..

Hyunjin remained silent , of course, they both wanted to do it , it was obvious, but there's.. there's something keeping them away from each other

(A/N: Babes, there's more than one thing keeping y'all apart))


Hiii gaayyyss
Hmm hmm
What do you think about this update??

Taan taan tann

Let's see how's the next one gonna be


I lovee y'all gaaayyyssss

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