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Hyunjin carefully unwrapped the bandage, revealing the angry red lines across his skin.

Despite the stinging sensation, he cleaned the cuts with antiseptic and carefully applied fresh bandages, hoping they would heal quickly.

He tended to his wounds, thoughts of the incident that caused them lingered in his mind, replaying like a broken record.

As Hyunjin continued to tend to his cuts, his mind drifted back to the encounter with the freckled guy, Felix, and we'll the other guy, Sunno.

Their laughter and camaraderie echoed in his thoughts, stirring up a mix of emotions within him.

Was it just innocent chatter, or was there something more behind their smiles?

Doubt gnawed at him, overshadowing his attempts to focus on his own well-being.

He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in his chest, wondering if there was something he had missed or if there was a deeper meaning to their interaction.

Felix's laughter and bright smile were etched into his memory, stirring a warmth in his chest despite the unease.

He couldn't deny the flutter of excitement he felt whenever he was around Felix, the way his heart skipped a beat at the mere sight of him..

But seeing Felix with Sunno, sharing laughs and conversation, planted seeds of doubt in his mind.

These thoughts weighed heavily on Hyunjin as he finished dressing his wounds, leaving him torn between longing and uncertainty.


Lita: Hyunjin?

Hyunjin rolled his eyes but didn't respond

Lita: Your father is coming home today. Come down at dinner okay sweetie?

She rolled her eyes, behind Hyunjin's door and went downstairs


Hyunjin remained barricaded in his room, the sound of his stepmother's voice echoing through the hallway.

He gritted his teeth, resenting every syllable she uttered.

The mention of his father's impending return only fueled his frustration.

The dinner invitation felt more like a demand, a reminder of the fractured family dynamic he resented.

Ignoring the urge to retaliate, Hyunjin clenched his fists, fighting against the rising anger.

He knew the confrontation would only escalate tensions further. Instead, he focused on the task at hand – enduring another tense evening under the same roof.

As the minutes ticked by, Hyunjin's resolve wavered. Should he make an appearance, if only to appease his father? Or would it be better to remain in his room?

With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly emerged from his room, the weight of resentment heavy on his shoulders.


Stepping into the dining room, he braced himself for another evening of strained interactions, steeling himself for the inevitable clash with his stepmother-

Lita: So you finally decided to leave that room of yours

Hyunjin's jaw tightened at his stepmother's sarcastic remark.

He shot her a cold glare before taking his seat at the table, determined not to let her get under his skin.

Ignoring her jibe, he focused on his plate, the tension in the air palpable.

Lita's passive-aggressive comments grated on his nerves, but he refused to give her the satisfaction of a response.

Instead, he kept his gaze fixed on his food, determined to endure the meal in silence.

And finally, his father arrived

As his father entered the room, a heavy silence enveloped the table.

Hyunjin's gaze briefly met his father's, searching for any sign of recognition or understanding. But the man's expression remained stoic, betraying nothing of his thoughts.

Lita's demeanor softened slightly in her husband's presence, though the tension between her and Hyunjin lingered like a thick fog.

She busied herself with serving the food, casting furtive glances at Hyunjin when she thought no one was looking.

Hyunjin's father took his seat at the head of the table, his presence commanding attention.

Yet, there was a weariness in his eyes, as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.

The dinner proceeded in strained silence, punctuated only by the clinking of utensils against plates.

Hyunjin remained lost in his thoughts, his appetite waning with each passing moment.

As the meal came to an end, his father cleared his throat, breaking the oppressive silence.

Mr Hwang: How was your day, son?,, he asked, his voice gentle yet laden with expectation.

Hyunjin hesitated, unsure how to respond. Part of him longed to open up, to share the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

But years of resentment and misunderstanding kept him silent.

Hy: It was fine,, he replied curtly, his voice devoid of emotion.

He pushed his plate away, suddenly eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the dining room.

With a nod from his father, Hyunjin excused himself from the table, retreating once again to the sanctuary of his room.

As he closed the door behind him, he couldn't help but wonder if things would ever change between them.


A knock was heard to his door again,  probably just Lita and her annoying statements

But no..

Mr H: Son.

As Hyunjin heard his father's voice he got up from the bed and opened the door

It was weird for his father to knock on his door.. it was even weirder that he calls him "son" and not by his name

Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat as he opened the door to his father standing there, his expression unreadable.

The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, and for a moment, neither of them spoke.

Mr. Hwang hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice softer than usual.

Mr H: Can we talk, son?,, he asked, his tone tinged with vulnerability.

Surprised by his father's unexpected approach, Hyunjin nodded silently, stepping aside to allow him into the room.

As his father entered, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stirring within him – hope for a chance to bridge the gap that had long separated them...

They settled into awkward silence, the weight of years of misunderstanding hanging heavy in the air.

But as they began to speak, slowly and tentatively, a flicker of understanding began to blossom between them.

For the first time in a long time, Hyunjin felt seen, truly seen, by his father..

And as they talked late into the night, their voices mingling in the darkness, Hyunjin dared to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, there was hope for their fractured relationship after all.. but still he could never forget how fast his father got over his mother's death... or so he thought.


Hii gayyysss

I hope y'all like this update.  I know it's shit buut heyy that's all I could!!

Don't forget that u matter!!
Love y'all!❤️

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