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Cassie's POV

[3rd Person]

The people around her seem to double by the time they're halfway through the concert, and even though she was aware that couldn't be the case, her breaths seemed shorter and more forced.

She felt the air forced out of her lungs as someone tried to push themselves closer to the stage.

deep breath in

deep breath out

Her eyes caught onto Mitchel, and time might've stopped because, in that moment, the only person of matter was the man on the stage.

so full of life and happiness the way his eyes were shining, so bright


The air tastes like sweat, something sweet and thick like honey.

The concert is over, she climbs over the barricade, and Mitchel pulls her up onto the stage.
"So, how'd we do?" but he doesn't let her wrist go, and suddenly the space between them seemed smaller than it did a few seconds ago.

"It was.. good," her words came out more breathlessly than intently.
She glanced up at Mitchel and saw his eyes sparkle with something like amusement.

This bastard is enjoying this.

The others were backstage, eating and relaxing, before they needed to clean up and be back on the road for their next and last gig in New York.

She glanced back up at Mitchel and trailed her finger down his chin.

"Why won't you kiss me?" Even though it was meant to be a teasing comment, she felt the words sting, and she hoped that the light wouldn't hit her eyes, so the tears behind them kept being hidden.

She felt his face harden at the tip of her finger, and when she looked back up, his eyes seemed distant. "You don't know me, and if you did," he brushed her cheek with his thumb. "You wouldn't want me to."


"It's a one-time thing, promise me." Mitchel mumbles against her neck, his hands lazily guiding her waist as she hits the back of the bathroom stall.
But the only response is a slight moan as his left hand trails up under her shirt.

"Fucking promise me, Cassie." He groaned against her collarbone, but the rest of his movements stopped.
He was waiting for an answer.

"I promise. I promise." Her words were merely a whisper, but now his hand continued to trail up her shirt.

though she couldn't help but notice that his lips had never met hers.

Cassie // Mitchel CaveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora