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                 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐎

I sat there, mesmerized, as smoke gracefully escaped my lips, completely lost in my thoughts while Lola started her work.

Gently, she pressed the needle into my skin, and as the ink seeped in, I felt that familiar tingle of pain. Lola's expert hands skillfully worked on my arm, carefully adding those intricate details. Hours passed, and finally, she finished up, wrapping me in a protective covering. It's an angel tattoo.

"Why an angel tattoo?" I nonchalantly asked her.

She responded with A smile, "Because I know there's goodness in you, Aries" I couldn't help but shake my head in response.

Getting up from my seat, I walked over to the mirror in the room and took A moment to check myself out.

As I looked at my body covered in tattoos, it felt like a vibrant canvas of sensations, a different kind of high compared to drugs. The mix of pain and art created an indescribable feeling that I just can't put into words.

The sun's cooling me down as I stroll to my Kawasaki, feeling the wind on my face as I ride, opting for just black shades instead of a helmet. After a few minutes, I arrive at my mansion. The gate swings open, inviting me in. I turn off my motorcycle and walk inside.

I sat on the couch and scattered my drugs onto the table. Which I got At the party today. I only came for the drugs thats it and left. And went to the tattoo place afterwards.

I snorted the coke laid out on the coffee table, I couldn't help but feel like the drugs had become a familiar crutch, numbing me completely.

Taking A quick break from the drugs, I felt this overwhelming numbness. Just as I was about to take another hit, my phone started ringing on the table.
I glanced at the caller ID, but I let it keep ringing as I indulged in another snort. I paused again to finally answer the call, leaning back on the couch.


"Don't 'what' me and hey handsome, why did you leave the party so soon?" A girl on the other end asked.

"I wasn't in the mood tonight, Amelia," I said, nonchalant.

"Well, maybe I can help put you back in the mood," she said, sounding confident.

"Maybe next time," I replied, sounding a bit bored.

"Come on, come back to the party," she said, in a seductive voice.

"I'm busy," I said. Before she could say anything else, I hung up and powered off my phone. I took another hit of coke, feeling that familiar rush. Drugs always had A way of making me feel something that no one else could.

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