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It was quiet and dark, the rain gently falling. The car engine hummed softly as I slowly opened my eyes, realizing I was still in his car. The music continued playing, but he wasn't in the driver seat.

I couldn't help but wonder where he had gone. Curiosity got the best of me, so I stepped out of the car, feeling the raindrops on my skin as I ventured into the dimly lit alley.

As I made my way through the darkness, I stumbled upon a club nestled in the alley. Intrigued, I entered through the back door and caught sight of "Him" with a grown man.

They were deep in conversation, with the old man doing most of the talking while Aries listened attentively. I observed as the man pulled out three small bags and handed them to Aries.

Aries took out some money and handed it over to the man. Just as the man was about to thank him, his gaze fell upon me. His eyes didn't seem scared, but rather filled with excitement.

Aries didn't have to turn around to know it was me. In a deep, cold voice, he commanded, "Leave." I gasped, quickly making my way out of the place.

I climbed back into the car and glanced out the window, watching the rain pour down onto the moonlit night sky. There weren't many stars tonight but the full moon illuminated everything.

Letting out a yawn, I kept my eyes on the dark blue sky, lost in my own thoughts. Unbeknownst to me, Aries had returned. I turned around and saw him. Completely drenched, his clothes and hair soaked. He casually removed his shirt and tossed it into the backseat.

I quickly averted my eyes, not wanting to see his naked chest. I could hear him chuckle darkly at my reaction before he drove away.

Im not sure how many minutes we had been on the road, but it felt like hours. I couldn't help but ask him,"Are we almost there yet?."

"No" he replied.

"Bruh,Can you please drive faster? I just to be at home, snuggle up in my comfy bed, fast asleep." I whined. He didn't say anything, but drove faster.

A few minutes later, we arrive at his mansion. I give him A puzzle look and ask, "Wait, why are we at your house?."

He responds in a monotone voice "you're staying over tonight."

"No,no, I want to go home, Aries" I firmly state.

"Tomorrow" he says before getting out of the car. I let out a deep sigh, and swiftly unbuckle my seatbelt, following after him.

As I looked around, I couldn't help but notice the magnificent pillars that adorned the house, along with the various staircases and elevators. And right above my head, there was this massive chandelier, sparkling with an enchanting glow. The house seemed to be sparsely furnished, giving it an air of elegance and spaciousness.

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