Day 13 shit gets real now

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Chris' pov

I made sure that everyone in Billy's car was sound asleep before I started doing anything. Max had assigned me a task and I knew that I had to follow the rules. Although I didn't want to involve Billy in this, he was already a part of it, whether he liked it or not. I took the time to set up all the traps before proceeding with the task. I made sure that everyone, even those who were initially reluctant to participate, got involved. I have a feeling that Kody is going to have a great time with this.

I Quietly Opened The Car Door And Put My Hand Over Tessa's Mouth Before Forcing Her Out Of The Car. I Felt Her Starting To Panic And Scream, I Made My Grip A Little Tighter Around Her And Made My Way To The Woods. "I'M Sorry Tess This Has To Be Done," I Said Before Knocking Her Back Out.

I quickly tied her to the tree "we warned you not to get too close to any of us and now look what is happening. Such a shame," I say while fixing everything up and placing a piece of tape over her mouth before leaving the area.

As I made my way back to Kody, Vinny, and Ryan, I felt a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension. The trap was set, but we still didn't have a clear idea of when Max would arrive. I couldn't help but wonder how he would react to the activity we had planned. Vinny seemed particularly nervous, his eyes darting from side to side as if he expected trouble to come from any direction.

As we waited, I couldn't help but address the elephant in the room. "Wait, I thought Tess was Max's daughter. Why would he want to participate in this?" Vin asked, his confusion clear in his voice . Kody and Ryan exchanged a knowing look.

"Clearly she's not his daughter," Kody responded. "And we have to follow through with our plan, no matter what we discover."

I nodded in agreement, grabbing the rest of the equipment we needed. As we stood there, waiting for Max to arrive, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. But I knew we had to see this through, no matter what.

Billy's pov

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was met with the sound of loud talking. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was sitting in the back of my car, alone. I quickly got up, rubbing my eyes to remove the sleep from them, and looked around to notice that I was parked in a field. The group was sitting around a campfire nearby, and I could hear their voices clearly. Suddenly, a wave of anxiety hit me as I realized that my sister Tessa was nowhere in sight.

Concerned, I approached the group and asked, "Where is my sister?" Everyone remained silent, and I could sense the tension in the air. "Oh hey, here comes the boss!" Kody exclaimed, drawing my attention towards a man who was approaching us. As he drew closer, I realized with shock that it was my father. I hadn't seen him in years, and the sight of him left me feeling conflicted - part of me was happy to see him, while the other part was filled with resentment.

"Billy, it's been a while.." Dad said and I stood there "So you're the one that has been putting my sister through hell.." my voice shook. "She is not your sister, she looks nothing like me!" He shouted. I clenched my fists hard "YOU LEFT BEFORE SHE WAS BORN, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE?!" I shouted. Dad threw Tessa's necklace at me "Does she look like your mom?! No, I didn't think so," he shouted. I opened the locket and examined the picture of me, Mom, and Tess. "She looked a lot like mom before she changed her style.." I say while putting the locket in my pocket.

Kodys pov

As I stood there watching Billy and Max argue, I felt a sudden urge to sneak away and visit Tessa at the tree. I knew she was tied up and helpless there, waiting for me. Without wasting any time, I made my way over to the tree, trying my best not to be noticed by anyone else.

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