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Frida has been friends with the prince and princess since birth. Frida's father was a close to the king and queen as a guard as well as a friend. So, with their kids all close in age they became friends too. Prince Elyas was the oldest out of the three. Frida the second oldest, being two years younger than the prince and being a year and a half older than the princess. 

Frida was 5 when her father first got sick, it wasn't anything too bad to start but he had to take a small break from being a guard. Frida's mother died when she was just a baby, she got too sick and died. And it seemed like her father was meeting the same fate. 

Frida was 7 when her father died. The King and Queen welcomed her into their home, well, castle with open arms. When Frida moved in the three children managed to grow even closer. Elyas being the magical yet awkward one, Frida being the motherly yet free spirited one, and Anna being the childish yet kind one. 

Just after Frida turned 8, she was told to go to bed in her room as the King and Queen were taking their kids to the trolls. The oldest kid feeling guilty at fault, the middle feeling stressed and worried, the youngest one was not knowing what was happening around her and to be honest was the one at fault. This resulted in the King and Queen thinking it was best to keep everyone away from their son for safety, expect for Frida. They thought it would be better if Elyas had some interaction with a kid around his age. 

Years later the King and Queen left their castle to go on a trip. Their ship was later lost at sea. This lead with Elyas shutting everyone out completely. 

Now Elyas was becoming King. The gates are going to open, towns people for the first time in years are going to be in the Castle. 

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