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Her shopping bag fell from her hands her hair covered her face she got up and tugged her hair behind her ears before speaking while starting at the tall figure
"Are you blind ?"
"huh?"  the man got distracted by her voice so he turned his face to her and his blue eyes met the pair of her hazel eyes
She recalled those blue eyes she saw at the airport.
"Excuse me did you say something ?" he inquired 
She sighed irritatingly.
"I asked if you're blind or something ?"
"Ali pick her shopping bags from the floor " he ordered to the boy standing beside him
Before Ali could pick it up she stopped him by saying
"Why should he? These shopping bags fell because of you, not him "
He tightens his fist
"Look miss Whoever you are, you should be thankful that at least I am asking him to pick these bags up rather than just leaving"
"Rich Brat " escaped from her mouth
His eyes grew showing his Blue eyeball deeper. But then he left
"ugh idiot," she said while picking up the bags from the ground
"Maam let me pick it up " that guy named Ali spoke
"no, it's fine I wonder how you manage to live with him "
He chuckled while helping her.
"thank you," she said
And Ali left but before leaving he heard
"Hope not to see him ever again "
She was annoyed by his actions
She recalled the airport one and a smile appeared on her lips
"He was a lot better than him," she said
"Who?" she heard her sister's voice from her left side
"nothing tell me have you bought your jewelry, Jana," she asked
"yeah I did but tell me what happened "
She sighed before saying
"an idiot bumped into me "
Marjan starts smiling evilly
"yeah don't give me this look that idiot doesn't even help me pick up my bags "
"you should've smacked his head  " her sister added
"I wish I could "
"girls what happened ?" their cousin  brother asked while walking with his mother
"Nothing," they both said with a smile
He believed and took them back to the home.
The next morning
They were standing in the living room with luggage as some servants were putting their luggage into the cars
"Jana ?" her aunt called her
"yes up?" she looked at her
"get ready," her aunt said
She awkwardly smiled and said
"I am "
"are you going to wear this ?" she said while looking at her dress
She was wearing a plum-colored sweatshirt with blue jeans
"sweetheart we are going to a village I mean I don't have any issue but your dad wouldn't like it "
She lowered her head
"but phupo we had already sent our luggage," she said
"oh alright then no issue cover yourself with this shawl "
Her phupo gave her a black shawl
"thank you phupo" She took it with a smile
"let's go," their brother said while coming into the living room
"but we haven't done the breakfast," their aunt said
"Mom Aunt Mahagul called me she was saying that she would send our breakfast"
"oh son you should've resisted they already have so much to do "
"I did Mom but she insisted "
"Alright then girls if you both are hungry then we can eat here as well "
"no Phupo it's fine and other than that we aren't hungry," said the hazel-eyed girl
"Okay then let's go "
with that, they settled in the car and started their journey to the sandy mountains of Balochistan.
Both sisters were excited to visit their village as it had been years since they last visited.
But there was something in their heart
The nervousness about facing their father
"sister ?"  Marjan whispered to her sister
She hmmed in reply
"Will Dad scold me for wearing this," she said while pointing at her dress
Her sister smiled
"no, he wouldn't "
"Are you sure ?" she asked
"There is no point in worrying now as you can't change your clothes now "
Marjan rolled her eyes
"So sisters are you excited to enjoy my wedding ?" their brother asked while driving.
"Yes Behra we are so excited and you know I can't wait to meet our sister in law Even tho I have seen her pictures still I want to meet her personally " Marjan exclaimed with excitement
Her brother chuckled
"Behra can I ask you something ?" the hazel-eyed girl asked
"yeah sure "
"do you guys talk ?"
Her aunt laughed
"Unfortunately No " he replied
"But why?" asked Marjan
"Cause it's not permitted by her family "
Marjan shrugged while asking
"but weren't you guys childhood friends "
He chuckled before saying "We were "
"yet you guys don't talk "
"Ugh, Jana stop asking so many questions and let him drive peacefully." Her sister scolded her
Marjan rolled her eyes while saying " I was just inquiring "
"I wonder if you left your designing and started the job of a detective?" her brother teased her
"Ugh Behra don't take her side " she got annoyed
Their journey was beautiful they kept admiring the view of the mountains and that blue sky there were waterfalls in between the journey making the journey more exquisite.

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