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"What did he say?" Mahgul asked with a smile on her face.
"he said that he won't be able to come tonight as his flight landed at Islamabad instead of Quetta due to weather. So he decided to stay in Islamabad tonight he will come tomorrow "
Aeyzal stopped her work and she felt pain in her heart she excused herself to avoid the situation.
"Alright but Haya would be sad after hearing that her brother didn't attend her Mayon," Mahagul said while vanishing her smile.
"I know Ami but let's just try to avoid telling her till guests leave "Marwan replied
"so now you will hide things from me " They turned as they heard Haya's soothing voice.
"We would never hide things from you sweetheart, "said Mahgul
"But Ami (mother) he should be here as he is both my father and mother " She starts getting teary.
Mahgul embraced her.
"Don't worry sweetheart he will come tomorrow and am I not your mother ?"
Mahgul said while looking at her teary eyes.
Haya hugged her back.
"I'm sorry ami I didn't mean that "
Mahgul smiled at her with love
"I know and I didn't mind sweetheart " She paused for a second to pet her head.
"and still you have your two brothers here let's enjoy ourselves together and make Zaram jealous " Marwan added
Mahgul slapped his shoulder slightly.
"yeah why are you hitting me," he said while rubbing his shoulder.
"by the way now I've grown up so please don't hit me " he added while making puppy whes.
His mother hit him again making him annoyed and Haya laughed.
On the other hand, Aeyzal was looking at the sky with a blank expression to relax.
"hey," she heard a warm and soft voice.
She turned the very next moment and her green eyes met the pair of black eyes.
Aeyzal looked at her with a warm smile.
"I saw you awhile ago and just wanna say that you're looking stunning "
Yes, this voice belongs to none other than Marjan who was admiring her.
"aww that's the beauty of your eyes " Aeyzal replied with a smile
"Are you Haya's Cousin ?" she asked
But before she could answer
"Aeyzal Ami was calling you?"Marwan said while walking towards Aeyzal but then his eyes met Marjan's.
An unexpected smile appeared on his lips Marjan gave him an unnoticeable look.
Aeyzal left and Marjan was about to leave but Marwan stopped her by saying
"I forgave you "
She turned her face
"so ?" she asked
"I mean I forgave you "
"no need I didn't ask you for forgiveness " She rolled her eyes after completing her sentence.
"I was just teasing you that time," he said
"wait for a second there is no relation of teasing between you and me," she said.
"then make one " he realized after escaping those words from his mouth
"Huh?" Marjan became extremely awkward.
"I mean let's be friends "
"I don't make strangers my friend," she said before leaving
Marwaan became unhappy till he heard
"What happened ?" he saw Haya walking towards him
"nothing " he lied
"come on you're not just my brother but also a very good friend of mine now tell me what happened "
"gonna tell you some other day as you should be sitting outside with your in-laws," Marwan said while changing the topic.
"Can you call Zaram Behra ( brother ) so that he can enjoy the event with us?" she said while pouting
"yeah sure but what will I get for that ?"
"ugh marwaan ugh why do you always need something in return "
"Because I believe in give and take," he said while winking.
"alright alright I'll ask Mother not to hit you until my wedding day "
A mysterious smile appeared on Marwan's face.
"look at your smile " they heard a familiar voice
They turned to that person
"Ami told me that Zaram is not coming tonight," the guy with blue eyes said
Haya's smile didn't fade
"but that doesn't mean he is not going to enjoy himself with us, " Marwan said
"what do you mean, " the guy with blue eyes asked in confusion.
"means I'm gonna video call him so he can enjoy the event "
"great idea," he said while smiling
Soon they took their sister to the garden where guests were enjoying the event soon everyone's attention went to the bride who looked simple yet beautiful
They let their sister sit at the traditional swing decorated with white lilies and yellow cowslips which were spreading intermixture of their fragrances.
"oh daughter you're looking absolutely beautiful Masha Allah may Almighty Allah protect you from evil eyes "
Marjan's and Najwa's Aunt said while looking at her *to be daughter-in-law *
"thank you so much Aunty" she replied while smiling at her mother in law
Both brothers went down but that's when the guy with blue eyes glanced at Haya
Who was laughing while talking to Najwa whose hands were held by the girl who was applying henna to her hands
Najwa's eyes met with the pair of blue eyes but he looked away the moment when she looked at him.
She felt weird
"Are you married? If yes then please tell me your husband's name I'll write it on your hands just to enhance the beauty of the henna "
Before she could reply she heard everyone calling someone.
"Behram Behram Behram Baba is calling you "
She liked the name so she whispered the name to herself
" Behram "

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