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They were standing in front of the beautiful brown Mansion with two guards standing at the door. Both sisters recalled their childhood as they saw the view
A huge brown Mansion with a beautiful garden surrounded by different flowers like Lilly, roses, and Jasmine spreading their intermixed Fragrances.  A black door from where their car entered and parked at the right side of the garden. When their eyes went to the sky they saw a bright sun shining they lowered a bit their gazes to admire the Mountains.
Their eyes were admiring the view but at the same time, their heart was crying inside.
"come inside girls," their aunt said
They both faked a smile while walking inside the mansion
When they crossed the main gate
They found themselves in a garden the same place where they used to spend their vacations in their childhood.
Both hazel and black eyes were looking for their childhood but the phrase "Time can never come back " hits them and their eyes met with each other's.
Deep down they both knew what they were feeling but they pretended as if they didn't
They walked inside and found themselves in a hallway
"Nothing has changed," said Hazel eyed girl
"yeah " her phupo smiled in agreement.
When they reach the living room which was covered with carpets.
But there was a female standing
Her back was facing them
Their phupo went to that lady and hugged her while saying
"Asalam o Alaikum Mahagul"
After breaking the hug she looked at them
Some faces don't need expensive products to make them beautiful like this beautiful middle-aged lady. Her flawless skin with the natural blush on her cheeks, her beautiful small eyes while her head was covered with a shawl
This elegant lady walked to them with a smile on her beautiful pink lips
"Asalam o Alaikum Aunty," both sisters said in unison
"Wa_Alaikum Salam "
"they are Bakhtiar's daughter "their phupo introduced them
"aww Masha Allah you both grew up so well," that lady said in her deep soft voice
Both sisters smiled at her.
"do you guys remember me? Well I am so stupid I saw you both when you were so young "
They chuckled
"Zainab show them their rooms," their phupo(aunt)  asked a maid
She smiled and took them to their room but unfortunately
The girl with Hazel eyes got a call so she stopped in the middle of the hallway while Marjan the one with black eyes entered a room
She was astonished to see the wooden work everything was decorated so elegantly the wooden doors and wooden furniture with a window on the left side of the room she looked through that window and could see the garden.
"Zainab Aunty you can leave, " Marjan said with a smile
Zainab smiled back before leaving.
She closed the door when she left
Marjan put that shawl aside and was untieing the laces of her shoes that's when she heard the noise unlocking the knob
"Oh sista who were you talking to, " she asked as she looked up but her eyes met the pair of greenish-blue eyes
For almost 38 seconds she was lost in these oceanic eyes
That person cleared his throat to avoid the awkwardness
" you're a thief "
Marjan held his wrist and was about to shout
But he covered her mouth with his hand
She struggled
Their eyes met again
"sh don't shout I'm not a thief," he said while removing his hand from her mouth
"then what are you doing here ?" she asked while setting her hairs
"I wanted to use the bathroom "
"you can but who are you ?" she asked with curiosity
"Can I wash my hands first," he asked
"huh? Oh yeah "
When he headed inside the bathroom
Her sister came to the room and was confused by looking at the messy hair of Marjan
"Jana your hair was fine just a moment ago then what happened now"
"oh actually ..." Before she could complete  her sentence
He came out of the bathroom
Her sister was astounded to see him
"YOU ?"
"YOU ?"
They both were flabbergast to see each other 
"don't tell me you both have met before "
"yeah actually I bumped into him "
"Oh so he is that idiot that rich brat I knew that only a man like you can be so cruel I wonder how __"
Her sister pinched her
"Yahhhh why are you pinching me ?" Marjan said while holding her right hand
That boy was looking at her with hateful eyes
"he is not that boy," her sister said in an embarrassed tone
"So what? wait what do you ......"
That guy left before she could finalize her question
"ugh Marjan what have you done girl go and apologize"
"Why should I ?" she asked while walking to the bathroom
"cause you've hurt him "
"no one can get hurt by simple words," she said while rolling her eyes
After getting fresh they both headed to the living room
They both saw that boy sitting with a middle-aged man
"oh girls you are here, "their aunt said
As they entered the living room but then their eyes met a pair of hazel eyes
Their eyes filled with so many emotion
Both of them couldn't figure out whether is it love, hate, or just a guilt .

A GLIMPSE OF YOUR SMILEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora