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"Haya bhabi I think I should check my sister as she took too long," said Marjan.
"Alright then I'm coming with you," said Haya
"no need, you get ready as you're the bride just tell me the room "
She smiled before saying "It's 2nd one on the Right side "
Marjan nodded before leaving
She went to that room she headed inside the room without knocking
"sista, are you there ?" she politely asked while entering that room But saw no one and started looking here and there but she wasn't able to find her so she decided to leave the room.
As she was about to open the door someone opened the door from outside
Her eyes first went to the shoes a pair of black sneakers wearing blue jeans with a white hoodie she looked up at his face
His round big eyes consist of a blue eyeball his curly big lashes prominent cheekbones straight bulbose nose pink lips make his fair complexion more attractive but his handsomeness is enhanced by his brown light beard and mustache.
For a moment she was lost in his features.
He stopped for a moment
"what are you doing here?" she asked what came into her mind out of Blue Moon
"Robbery " His lip moved a bit when he said that.
"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry for that," she apologized when she recalled what she had done to him when she first saw him at their mansion.
He didn't speak
"I'm genuinely sorry "she added
"Alright I didn't forgive you," he said while entering the room
"RUDE," she said as he walked passing by her
She didn't even turn to face him instead she left the room
But that boy smirked
"not bad," he said while looking at her disappearing figure
Marjan was walking through the hallway that's when she saw Najwa walking toward her with an annoyed expression
"What happened ?"
"What happened ?"
Both asked while noticing each other's expressions
"met him again "
"met him again "
They both looked at each other when they heard what they just said
Both of them burst into laughter
"by the way whom did you see sista " Marjan asked
"That idiot whom I bumped into at the market "
"wait what but what is he doing here "
"This house belongs to him," she said while pointing around them while rolling her eyes.
"oh you want me to fix him?" Marjan asked
"ugh why have you always wanted to fight with people "
"don't show your pity, " Marjan said while rolling her eyes.
"Okay okay but wait whom did you meet just a while ago huh?" asked Najwa
"that thief "
"the boy who came to our home in the morning with that graceful lady "
"oh did you apologize to him ?" she asked
"I did but he said" She stopped a bit and
She starts mimicking his answer "I don't forgive you"
Najwa laughed
"ugh you're so annoying I swear," said Marjan while walking away.
"alright alright I'm sorry," said Najwa while placing her hand on her shoulder.
Marjan turned in another direction
"I will forgive you only if you will buy me an ice cream "
Najwa laughed before nodding
Marjan smiled when she saw her sister nodding
"Girls why are you still here come downstairs as the function has started "their phupo called them.
They headed downstairs with her.
They were enjoying the function as some people were dancing while aunties were gossiping with each other.
Both sisters were admiring the view from the table placed in the middle of the garden.
Soon the bride came and set on the traditional wooden swing placed on the stage decorated with yellow and white flowers.
She is wearing a yellow dress.
"sista you go I'll stay here as Mom is calling me," said Marjan when her phone started ringing
Najwa went to the stage while Marjan picked up the call
"Hello Mom," she said right after attending the call
"How are you sweetheart " she heard a warm feminine voice from the other side of the phone
"Good Alhamdulillah (by the Grace of Allah) what about you ?"
" I'm good as well what about your sister "
But before Marjan could answer, the call was declined as she got a signal problem
"ugh this problem," she said while turning but she stopped when she saw that handsome face again.
"huh?" escaped from his mouth
She rolled her eyes and was about to leave but that graceful lady came to them
"oh Marjan dear did something happen?" she asked while noticing her annoyed expression
"Mom called me but unfortunately signals disappeared all of a sudden "
"oh it's because of these mountains," she said while pointing around their villa.
Marjan looked at the sky and saw some mountains on the land.
"but don't worry Marwaan take her inside the house, you won't get any problem there "
"no aunt it's fine I'll talk to her after going home "
"you sure?" that lady asked with concern
"yeah yeah don't worry "
She smiled
"oh Marjan let her apply henna on your hands "
she said while pointing at the girl standing next to her

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