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" Behram ?" he heard a familiar voice while his back was resting on the car his fingers were busy typing.
He turned his head to the owner of that voice. His lips curved into a huge smile when he saw an old woman smiling at him while admiring him.
"Grandma " he went to the lady
That lady hugged him and kissed his forehead
"my son I missed you "
"we missed you as well Grandma"
She smiled but then he heard
"didn't you miss your Aunt? "
He looked at that lady.
"Assalam o Alaikum phupo(aunt)" he greets her but then his eyes go to the girl standing beside her whose eyes are already on him.
"Walaikum salam " his aunt replied
"get into the car," he said while opening the back doors of the car.
With that, he took them to his mansion where everyone was waiting for them
On the other hand, Marjan wanted to wash her hands as mehndi was irritating her skin meanwhile Najwa was waiting for her in that room even tho she didn't want to visit this room ever again but she had to
For some reason, she was admiring the room as it was decorated very elegantly.
She was so lost in that room but then she was startled by the sudden noise of the unlocking knob. Within a few seconds, her eyes met a pair of blue eyes which she wished never to.
He was shocked to see her but when she got startled she accidentally placed her hand on her face but luckily removed it fast leaving a little spot of henna on her right cheek.
He kept looking at her until he took out two tissues from the tissue box and was about to give them to her but then he realized that her henna was still a bit wet
"Can I?" he asked while pointing at her right cheek. For some reason, she couldn't resist and ended up nodding.
He wiped her cheeks but then her heart started beating so fast until he moved back.
"T_thank you " She was hesitant but managed to say.
He just nodded but when he was about to throw that tissue his eyes went to her left hand
But that "Behram" written on her hand took his attention
She hid her hand when she noticed
"what the heck is this ?"
"What ?" she pretends as if she doesn't get what he is talking about.
He tightens his fist
"That Behram wrote on your hand "
His deep voice indicated that he was filled with anger.
"oh that ...ah that was _"
She was cut off by Marjan's voice
"It's her finance's name "
Najwa looked at her in disbelief
Behram looked at her hand but didn't see any ring
"but she isn't wearing any ring ?" he said suspiciously.
"of course, she removed that precious ring as she didn't want to ruin it with henna, "Marjan said
Behram left without saying anything. Najwa looked at Marjan and said
"ugh idiot why did you lie to him I was about to tell him that she accidentally wrote that name besides I didn't even know his name. "
"ugh, sista you think he would've understood?"
"I don't know but you shouldn't have lied to him "
On the other hand, Behram heard that as he was typing a text to his friend while standing at the door of his room.
An unnoticeable smile appeared on his lips but he was confused about whether he was feeling good or angry.
When Najwa and Marjan came to their phupo they saw her talking with an old woman
"phupo?"Marjan called her
That lady looked at them
"Who are they ?"
"oh they are Bakhtiar's daughter "
"oh " she doesn't seem interested
"she is Najwa his eldest daughter and she is Marjan, Daughters she is the grandmother of Haya" she introduced them
"Aslam o Alaikum," they both said
"Walaikum salam so what's your mother doing nowadays did she get married again ?"
Marjan and Najwa felt uneasy by her strange question.
"No, she didn't " their phupo replied as she didn't want them to feel bad.
"girls go Haya was asking for you "
Najwa nodded but Marjan walked away
"did you see how that old lady said that " Marjan was annoyed by her behavior
"ugh Marjan, don't feel bad, and besides we shouldn't care about what other people think "
"but still she doesn't have the right to say that "They both were having a conversation when Marjan's eyes met Marwaan's
"ugh this idiot" escaped from her mouth
"Who?" Najwa asked with curiosity
"That idiot guy," he said while pointing at him.
"you know what Jana at least he is better than his brother and besides that, he behaved very well at the airport I wonder if anyone can be drowned in his oceanic eyes," Najwa said with a smile to tease her sister.
Marjan was astonished by her words
"Even his brother has blue eyes so if you want to drown then you can drown in his eyes as well "
Najwa's smile faded
"ugh, Jana look what are you saying that idiot is _"
She stopped when she remembered how he wiped her cheek
"don't tell me you're lost in his thoughts," Marjan said while laughing .

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