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Asalam o Alaikum my daughters," that man said while standing up from the couch.
They both stood in the same positions as they were when they entered
"Walaikum salam B_Baba," said the hazel-eyed girl. He smiled at her before kissing her forehead.
Then he moved to Marjan
"Aren't you going to reply ?" he asked
"Huh? Oh Walaikum Salam Baba "
He kissed her forehead as well
She awkwardly smiled but then her eyes met with that guy who had greenish_blue eyes
That guy was confused by the scene.
"I'm sorry I couldn't welcome you as I came here the day before yesterday " his words took her back to reality
"no it's fine," said Marjan while being awkward
The girl with hazel eyes stayed quiet until that old lady stood and bade her byes
"I'll be waiting for both of you tonight " that lady elegantly said with a smile on her face while picking up her brown purse from the table
Both sisters smiled at her confection statement
"we will surely gonna attend the event," said the hazel-eyed girl
That lady smiled at her once again
"Marwan let go," the lady said to the guy with blue eyes
"No please have breakfast with us," said their aunt.
"no dear we should go as guests are waiting," that lady said.
"yes Aunt please have breakfast with us, " The girl with hazel eyes added
"oh daughter you're making it hard for me to resist " that lady beautifully said
That girl chuckled
"then Aunt please let's have breakfast together "
"Dear it's not good to have breakfast here as Guests are waiting at our house "
"oh I can understand Aunt" she replied to the lady with a soft look.
She finally bade her byes to them.
"she's so beautiful," said Marjan when she left
"also sweet," the girl with hazel eyes added
Their phupo (aunt ) smiled at them
Within a few minutes, they had their breakfast in silence as they were awkwardly talking with their dad
"so how is your university going Marjan "
"it just finished two weeks ago " she replied in a cold tone
"oh, I see and Najwah what about yours ?"
The girl with hazel eyes asked in confusion
"my university ?"
"No, your hospital "
"oh it's going good," she said
Their phupo was filled with sorrow after seeing her brother being awkward with his daughters but she managed to fake a smile
"girls give your dress to Zainab she will press it "Their phupo(aunt) broke the silence
"phupo(aunt) our dresses are already pressed," said Najwa the girl with hazel eyes.
"Alright then that's great "
After having breakfast they sat in the living room with their dad
The same living room where they had spent their childhood being members of a delighted family but now it's not the same as it was before.
Their father excused himself and left
"sisters " their cousin brother called them
"yes Behrajan (brother) "
"I'm not getting the wedding vibes yet "
"huh?" escaped from Najwah's mouth
"come on guys we should play some music right ?" he said.
"Yes Behra please I'm so bored lol " Who else could say other than Marjan?
He connected his phone to the speakers and played a wedding song.
They were vibing on the song
Marjan started dancing then she dragged her brother they both were dancing and Najwa was just looking at them with a smile while clapping to cheer them up.
They were enjoying their day until their aunt said
"girls don't you want to get ready "
Well unfortunately they almost forgot that tonight was their brother's wedding event.
"oh phupo guess what I completely forgot about it," Marjan said while wiping her sweat with a tissue
Najwa laughed at her reaction.
Their phupo (Aunt) took them to the room
All of them start getting ready
Najwa was wearing a red velvet dress and her hair was tied into a ponytail two thin parts of her hair were touching her cheeks .soft golden eye shadow with wing liner made her hazel eyes more prominent very small golden earrings made her look classy her dupatta hung around her neck
She is wearing a pair of golden heels.
Wait a second have I told you what is making her look more beautiful
Yeah. It's that red lipstick
"sista " She turned to the door and saw Marjaan
She is wearing a simple black velvet dress her shirt is almost to her knees her flapper is making her look stunning with a pair of silver small earing
Her hair is opened half of it from the right side is placed on her front side
Her lips were covered with a soft pink lipstick.
Her dupatta is wrapped around her neck
"looking stunning," said Najwa while smiling at her sister
She walked towards her sister.
"you're looking more stunning sista"
"you both are looking stunning "They looked at the door and saw their phupo(aunt)
"Aw phupo you're the prettiest "
They said while looking at their aunt who was wearing a brown colored dress her head covered with a brown dupatta she was wearing a black shawl
"It's all about your eyes, daughters," she said while pulling them into a hug.

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