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Trucesons' POV

I shouldn't be bothered.

I have no leg to stand on...

But I'm bothered as fuck.

Why would he not tell me it was for his birthday? He made it seem like it was a random surprise. That they were just checking on him... But no. It was his fucking birthday. That he didn't want to tell me about. I shouldn't be upset.

The rest of the night went great other than that instance. Ria and Ty were a gorgeous couple and Ty made her laugh at every chance he got. I finally was able to see the real dynamic of Ria and Sean and he was right I didn't have a single thing to worry about. Ria fussed over him like I'd imagine a sister would but Sean took it gracefully. 

Milan was the sweetest thing, and she looked at Sean with heart eyes. From what I could tell she had a little crush on him. Anytime he complimented her, she blushed. But I was going to keep that information to myself. It was obvious just how close Ty and Sean were. They seemed like best friends. They laughed at the same things, enjoyed the same things, and even ate the same things. 

Sean was right, I genuinely had nothing to worry about. Ty and Ria didn't see me as a potential investor or as someone who came from money. They saw me as me. The real me. The me that was sitting here in front of them with a guy next to him and was openly checking him out. Leaning into him, and who fought the urge the entire dinner to hold his hand. 

We ended up talking about our businesses and how we started. I learned more about Ria's story and how she ended up in the States. I learned Ty's story as well as how he started the gym and the why behind it. Both are without the backing of their family and yet they are successful entrepreneurs. And so was Sean. 

It made any remaining fear or anxiety dissipate. I was making the right decision. Even if I lost everything at T.C. Inc. I still had my money and my portfolios. 

I'd be okay.

And for the first time in a long time I fucking believed it.

Sean let me shower in his bathroom and he went upstairs. I tried to argue him on but he wasn't having it. And because I was feeling a little petty, I used his body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. I was thankful my lotion was unscented because, for some weird reason, I like the fact that I smelled like him. I brought my own clothes and pajamas and yet I couldn't bring myself to wear them. So I put on a pair of his sweats that I already had and a t-shirt.

I was still brushing out my hair and blow-drying it when Sean walked in the room. Shirtless of course. He walked into the bathroom with me and leaned against the doorframe and watched me. It was until I was done with the dryer he started talking.

"I don't want you to think that I didn't tell you about my birthday because I don't want you there." 

I stayed quiet.

"I would of course want you there, but I didn't know if that would be us moving too fast or you would think I was moving too fast. I mean my family is going to be there and its a birthday and I know people take those things seriously in relationships."

"You said that you don't celebrate it...why?" I asked as I started to try and braid my hair.

"Family shit. My dads weren't the best at remembering or caring about birthdays...They forgot all of ours until they were reminded but even wasn't like they did anything special. It was just another day. I mean it wasn't their fault...they couldn't help it." A sadness cast over his face, a darkness and I hated it. There was still so much more to his life before that I didn't know...that haunted him and I hated it.

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