The unexpected

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Vesper's pov:
I was hanging out with my bestie all day. It was wonderful I hope we meet up more often but Val can easily get jealous and all that causes us to meet less. I hope he will talk about it with him about this topic.
Vox's pov:
I was with Vess all day because Valentino was busy and I was pretty bored because this time I don't know how I didn't have any work to do. I love meeting up with Vess because she is like a glitter bomb. Some people finds it annoying, some finds it funny, some finds it to be cheerful. I got home and sat down on the couch. I was pretty tired so I asked Vess to come over and make dinner. She can cook well and she said I can ask for anything from her. I was her best friend and also idol which I don't understand but she knows it. I heard a ring bell and immediately knew it was Vess. She is fast as a storm.
"Hey there Vess!"
"Heyy Voxxy!!!"
"Oh, you are rather more excited than usual. What's causing you to be this excited?"
"You and Aiyana will finally meet!!!" She said starting to form into her demon form. Whenever she is excited or has any strong emotion she transforms into her demon form.
"Hey,hey calm down you are getting in your demon form" I said meanwhile hugging her. Hugging her is the best way to calm her down.
"Okay,okay I'm sorry just I'm soo excited"
"Soo I'm getting very hungry so-"
"OH, yeah yeah sorry!" She said realizing that she forgot the thing she was here for
"Okay then get on the couch and just relax"
"If you say so"
So I got on the couch and put on a comedy show. They are always funny and good to watch. As I was watching I heard the sizzling oil. I wonder what she makes for dinner. I must admit I love Val's cooking but Vesper's cooking are better since she always had a passion for cooking.
"Alright!" I heard her talking.
"I'm done Vox come here and let's eat together"
"Alright just a minute!" And I turned off the TV. As I was walking I saw the food she made. She made egg fried rice which she is obsessed with for some reason.
"I also bought something which I really love. It's a very good side dish."
"Honestly which food do you hate or don't like?" And I chuckled
"Hmph, don't be like this!!!"
"Alright,alright don't need to be pissy"
"Anyways it's here and it's called kimchi!"
"What is kimchi exactly?"
"It's a korean side dish which is a bit spicy but really good for your health"
"Hmmm, sounds interesting lemme take a bite of it" I tasted it and it was indeed delicious. I understand why Vesper liked it soo much.
"It's really good"
"I know right anywa-" my phone started to ring.
"I got a call from Vel. Hold that thought for a sec" and I picked it up.
"What's up Vel?"
"I think something has happened to Valentino"
"What do you mean?"
"He had finish his works so I called him but he wouldn't pick up. He always picks up my calls. Please go check on him"
"Alright I will go there"
"Good, tell me what happened after you checked up on him."
"Alright." And I hung up
"I'm sorry Vess but I have to go"
"Alright, I hold no grudges"
"Bye Vess"
"Bye Voxxy!!"
I went to Val's office and the door was locked. Fuck how am i supposed to go in now?! I have an idea it might work.
I went to a bar and saw the person who I am looking for.
"Heyy there Angel"
"What does Valentino need me for again?!" He asked being scared
"It's not about him wanting something. It's about me asking for something."
"What is it Mr. Vox?"
" Do you have keys for Val's office?"
"Yeah, I do. Why do you ask?"
"Can I have them? I will give it back to you I promise"
"Sure, here is it."
"Sweet. Thank you Angel now bye."
"Bye Mr.vox"
I walked up to Val's office again and I unlocked the door and opened it. I heart immediately dropped as I saw Valentino crying. I have never seen him crying before. It was new to me,but I can't just stand here like an idiot, I have to comfort him.
Val's pov:
I was working more today than usual and Vox was working less than usual which was suprising. As I was filming one of my whores came up to me.
"Daddy~ I have something to say" she said
"Alright but you have one second"
"I saw your toy being with another overlord"
"Which one?" Trying to keep my cool
"The soul overlord"
"EXCUSE WHICH ONE?!" I snapped
"You heard right daddy~ he was with the soul overlord Vesper"
I stormed out and everybody was suprised. I locked myself in my office and started crying. I was too scared to lose my lover. He was my everything. Nobody can replace him.
And I heard the door getting unlocked saw Vox whose face was now in despair.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" I shouted at him
"Heyy Val, sweetheart please calm do-"
"Val please let's talk about this"
"Oh sweetheart" He said in a sad voice and he started hugging me firmly
"I wouldn't leave such a precious gem like you. You are my everything Val. I love you soo much, I will never leave you I promise"
"Do you really promise?..."
"Yea, I do sweetheart"
And Vox kissed me to calm me down more.
"I love you Vox soo much"
"I love you too Val." And he lit up my cigeratte with his usual heart looking sparkle and he hugged my waist.
I hope you all liked this chapter💕💕💕 sorry but sometimes I'm busy with school or don't any idea for another episode but I always try to put something on the table for you all. Byee💕💕💕

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