The disaster taking over

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Valentino woke up and he didn't see Vox anywhere.
Val's pov:
Maybe he is working and I shouldn't worry. But wait today is extermination day isn't it? Oh shit I just hope he will be okay. I hate to admit but I'm worried, I just want him to be safe. I hope he doesn't end up in a bad situation. I should hang out with Velvette to make myself distracted.
Vel's pov:
Today was pretty good. Today everything went well and I wasn't grumpy. I heard my phone ringing so I picked up the phone.

Velvette: "yes?"
Valentino: "Hey there Velvette"
Velvette: "Hello darling! What is it?"
Valentino: "Do you want to come over?"
Velvette: "I would love to but it's extermination day today don't you remember? I don't want to die sorry."
Valentino: "You are literally in the vee tower, I'm in the vee tower too."
Velvette: "Fuck my lie didn't work-"
Valentino: "What did you say?"
Velvette: "Nothing! Anyways I will go there then, kisses darling."
Valentino: "Bye doll face!"
And then Valentino hung up. As I walked to Val's room I noticed that Vox is not in the vee tower. I was here infront of Valentino's room. I hope he isn't gonna ramble abt Angel again, because I swear to god that I will kill him.
Nobody's pov:
"Hii there darling!"
"Hey dollface how are you? "
"I'm fine how abt you?"
"I'm a bit worried abt Vox. I hope he won't get injured." Valentino was trying to act liks he wasn't dead worried
"I'm kinda worried abt him too. But let's distract ourselfs, soo what shall we do?". Velvette asked trying to think abt something
"Hmmm... getting drunk?" Valentino didn't have any idea either
"Seriously??" Vel asked being annoyed
"Shall we bake for Vox?" Valentino finally gave a normal idea
"That's such a good idea!" Vel said
"But what we should bake?" Valentino asked
"You know Vox better than I do so don't ask me!" Velvette said being annoyed
"Oh yeah! He loves black forest cake. That's the first cake we ate together! He surely will be happy having black forest cake when he comes back!"
"Okay let's search for a recipe!"
Vel and Valentino was bounding while making the cake.
"I didn't knew you loved this song" Velvette said being suprised
"Of course I love this song it reminds me of you" Valentino said
"You are like a daughter to me"
"Awww you are such a darling but we should check up on the cake so it doesn't get burned"
The cake was finally down and Valentino carefully picked it up with oven mitts.
"It smells soo good" Velvette was pleasantly suprised
"Yeah but we should decorate it now" Valentino said
After they were done, Velvette and Valentino was proud of themselfs.
"This looks perfect. I am soo proud"
"I agree with you but where is Vox?" Valentino said being dead worried again
"You are overthinking! come here let's watch a movie"
"If you say so" and do what Velvette said.
Vox's pov:
After working soo damn hard I was finally done. I can go home to my lover who have been waiting for me. I was really excited to go home but I had a bad feeling as if I forgot something but I decided to ignore it.
As I walking to the vee tower I noticed a lot of dead bodies and then it hit me "Fuck it's extermination day!" I said searching for a camera to teleport but they were broken. "What should I do?" I asked myself as I was running to an alley to be safe. I tried to search for the nearest camera to teleport but then a sharp pain hit me, it was from my thighs. I immediately checked what it was but it was an angelic spear in my leg. But there weren't any exterminator, but then as I tried to stand up another spear was in me but this time it was in my shoulder. I electrocuted the angel and my legs gave up and I was on the floor again. I was in agonizing pain not knowing what to do. I quickly texted Velvette and Valentino
Voxtech: I'm soo sorry for the mistakes I did. I love you guys, you were the best thing in this hellish world. Without you guys I wouldn't be happy and content. I'm sorry for disappearing forever...
And the blackness was consuming me and I felt lightheaded and I felt only numbness and coldness...
"We got a text from Vox" Velvette said being excited
"Open it, open it, open it!!!" Valentino said
As Velvette and Valentino was reading the message they were getting more and more horrified.
"But how?!?!"
"Vox always sends location along with the message so that we know where he is"
"Follow me" Velvette said trying to be calm as possible. She can't be a stressed out mess like Valentino.  They were running to location and finally found him. Velvette just stand there being horrified but Valentino ran to Vox holding him to chest.
" VOX SAY SOMETHING!" Valentino was crying and panicking
"VOOOX!" Valentino was now a crying mess. They were teleported to Vesper's house wondering why.
"Oh dear god it's worse than I thought" Vess spoke up
"How did we end up here?!" Valentino and Velvette asked at the same time
"I can make sinners teleport even though it has limitations. But let's bandage Vox up and then we will talk abt this"
"Is he going to be alright?!" Valentino was worrying a lot
"Of course he will be. Luckily he don't got stabbed in vital organs."
Vess placed Vox' down to a bed and bandaged him up.
"I think he will wake up in a few hours" There was a moment of dead silence.
"You can sleep next to him just be careful meanwhile I will teleport Velvette to her room." Vess said making Velvette teleport to her room. Vess left the room leaving Valentino and Vox alone.
"Oh, baby please wake up" Valentino was still crying and interlocked his and Vox's hands together. He got closer to Vox and kissing him a kiss on the forehead. Valentino fell asleep because the large amount of stress made him tired. When Vox started to wake up Valentino immediately was awake.
"VOXXY!!!" And Valentino was crying again
"Shhh,shhh I'm here Val. I won't leave you. Everything will be okay" and he weakly hugged Val.
"I love you soo much Vox. Don't ever go alone again"
"I love you too Val" and they shared a kiss.
"We made a cake for you. Shall i bring it?"
"If you want to" and Valentino got the cake
"Can you eat?" He asked
"Feed me please my shoulders hurts soo much" and Valentino gave a spoonful of cake to Vox.
"It's delicious, good job" and he finished it quickly.
"I will never leave you Val"

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