the overwhelming despair

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These days Val has been pretty depressed. Nobody knows why exactly we only have speculations. We don't know if it's because of Angel dust not being there or Vox or Vess unintentionally triggering Val. Val isn't willing to answer and he is in his room all day. He doesn't open the door,he doesn't even eat at all. Everybody is concerned for him. They are wondering what they did wrong.
"I'm concerned for Valentino" Velvette said in her typical british accent
"Do you think i'm not concerned FOR HIM?!" Vox was getting moody as well because his lover was depressed all day for weeks.
"We should talk to him" Vess trying to suggest a solution
"No way he wouldn't even open the door. It's hopeless..." Velvette was in sadness now
"We should try tho!" Vess trying to convince them.
"Maybe he w-"
"VESS! Please just don't" Vox said being angry.
"Come on, don't be like this. If yall getting depressed as well that won't help. Like I'm concerned for him too but we cant get depressed in this moment. We have to do something!"
Velvette and Vox didn't say anything. They were in the chair of despair.
"How about if you and Vox go out doing some activities? That can clear out your head a bit"
"Alright, I will try to search up what can we do today" Vel said trying to think
"Meanwhile I sadly have to go working on the games I make for the voxtek company." Vess lied because he wants to talk with Valentino.
"Alright, I was hoping that you come with us as well but I guess you don't" Vox said being depressed
"I'm sorry! I will make it up to you I promise!!!" Vess said and she went to her office waiting for Vel and Vox to go.
As she was waiting she was writing to Val hoping to get an answer. Of course she didn't got anything but it was worth a shot though.
"They are finally gone. Now it's my time to solve this mess." Vess said coming out of her office going to Valentino.
Vesper's pov:
We are all concerned for that stupid moth. I love him very much because we are alike! He is jealous, posessive,has anger issues, sensitive,playful like me. We understand each other a lot and we got along very well but recently he got jealous because I was with Vox a lot. I understand why he is like that. I just hope he didn't do anything to himself that would cause harm to him physically and to us emotionally. I was infront of Valentino's office. I took a nervous gulp and knocked on the door. I didn't got an answer so I started talking breaking the silence.
"Val, we need to talk. Everybody is concerned for you!" I didn't got an answer
"Valentino please answer!" I started getting impatient
"VALENTINO ANSWER ME!!!" I was getting in my demon form
"What the fuck do you want Vess?" He said being angry and looking like shit
"Oh gosh it's worse than I thought. We definitely need to talk."
Val suprisingly let me in and I sat down on the couch with him.
"Please tell me what's bothering you so much."
"Just leave me alone" I could hear his broken heart speaking from his tone.
"Val, please just tell me. I'm here to help."
"I don't need help. I'm perfectly fine just leave me alone!"
"Do you seriously call this normal? DO YOU CALL NORMAL THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED FOR WEEKS AND YOU DON'T EAT AT ALL. IS THAT NORMAL FOR YOU?!" I need to calm down I'm just gonna make everything worse. Val looked very guilty and I immediately started to panic.
"I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you I'm just so concerned for you like everybody else and I just-" I was out of breath. "Wanna go eat something Val?" I asked him.
"Eat anything but please for at least just eat for me,your bodyfriend,your friends, for us" I said it sounding sad and concerned
"Alright...." Val answered shortly. I was glad for at least he was willing to eat. "What would you like?" I asked being a bit happy.
"I want cannoli"
"Having a sweet tooth huh?" I tried to make him laugh
"Alright then I will have a tiramisu" I answered
"We will have our food delivered in 10 minute. What movie would you like to watch?" I asked him
"I fucked your sister, so what"
"Typical" I chuckled
"I love that one too" I said putting on the requested movie
As we was watching we got our food delivered,so I answered the door and took our food.
"Here is your cannoli Val." I said after putting it on a plate with a fork
"Thanks" he took the plate and started eating. I sat beside him and started eating as well
"I ordered these from my favourite bakery place. They are delicious and they are cheaper compared to bakeries like them."
"Good to hear I guess" Val answered.
We was eating and watching the movie.
"I hope you enjoyed it Val"
"I did" he answered
"I'm glad, do you want a hug?" I said with open arms
He took my arms and hugged me firmly.
"Thank you so much"
"You are welcome" I said as I was leaving.
Nobody's pov:
The next day everybody was busy expect for Valentino who didn't do anything. Everybody was working as fastly as they could to try to talk with Valentino. Everybody had a bad feeling about Valentino so they were working faster than ever.
"Okay I'm almost done with my new game" Vess said to herself
Meanwhile she asked Aiyana to write a message to the vees through her phone. Vess gave her phone to Aiyana to write.
×Vesperr×: Vesper is almost done how about everyone?
Your_girlboss_velvette: I'm done with my work
Voxx: I'm almost done as well.
×Vesperr×: Good to hear!
"They are done Vess!" Aiyana quickly said
"Thanks sweetheart" Vess said blowing a kiss on her cheek and doing their eskimo kiss which Vesper always loved.
"Okay I'm finally done" Vess was shouting with happiness. She got a notification and she was opening the message she grew more and more concerned
Valentino_the_pimp: I love you all soo much, I just simply don't deserve you guys. It was nice knowing you guys. Yall filled my life with happiness. I'm sorry for what I did you will understand why I say that...
"Oh no,no,no,no NOOO!" Vesper was panicking
"HE DID SUICIDE?! DON'T TELL ME" Vesper was teleporting as fast she could. She teleported to Valentino's office door and he already foudn Vox there panicking as well
"VALENTINO PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR" He was about to have a panic attack at the moment. Vesper couldn't take it anymore and she broke down the door.
"VALENTINO! OH NO" Vox saw his lover. Valentino was covered in blood and tears
"VALENTINO!!! PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!" Vox was crying like crazy.
"VALENTINO WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!!?! I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOT!!" Vox was crying more and more. Vesper was shocked and when she is shocked she just freezes like a statue. Velvette finally arrived and as she saw Valentino she immediately went searching for a med kit
"I'm sorry Vox, life is too hard for me to keep living" Valentino said his final words
"DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE VALENTINO. I LOVE YOU WITHOUT YOU I CAN'T LIVE. YOU ARE MY WORD PLEASE" Vox was firmly grabbing on Valentino's hand. He cut his wrist and blood was oozing from him like a fountain.
I wanted yall to have a cliffhanger. Will Valentino survive or will he not? I hope you all enjoyed it💕💕💕

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