The meeting

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Vox's pov:
Val and Vel wanted to go shopping as usual and they begged me to go with them.
"Please Vox. I will do a video about your products if you go with us"
"Please Voxxy~ I will be bored when Vel is changing. Yknow she is slow when she puts on a dress-" Val pleaded
"EXCUSE ME?! I'm not that slow" she was annoyed. I decided to go with them after all I don't have a lot of thing to do. I would love to ask Vess but I know she is busy making the new game for Voxtek company. She is working hard to impress me. She sees as an idol and a best friend. She always adored me and I honestly don't know why. Maybe because I never left her or tried to leave. But anyways I shouldn't distract myself with this right now. As we were walking in the mall Velvette spotted a shop.
"Alright, if you say so" and we went there. It was a huge building which was also beatiful. It had a lot of fashionable clothes and they were a lot of variety.
Nobody's pov:
"Okay, I grabbed a few which I wanna try on" Vel said
"Wait for me outside and everytime I show an outfit I want your honest opinion about it" she said trying on the first one
"Yknow we haven't do it in a while~" Val spoke up making Vox to look up
"Well recently there were a lot of stressful things and we were also busy so that's why we didn't" Vox said
"Yknow I feel empty inside without you and your dick~" Val said
"Shut up" Vox was annoyed
"I love you too sweetheart~"
After Velvette tried on all of the clothes and got Vox and Valentino's opinion they went out of the store. "What we should do?" Velvette asked
"I don't know babyface honestly. Do you have any ideas, Voxxy?" Val asked
"I don't either to be honest" Vox added
"We shoul-" Velvette recognized an overlord. It was alastor with Angel dust suprisingly.
"What did you wanna say?" Vox asked
"Ahh, I forgot but I will send Val a good place where we should go"
"Okay??" Vox was getting suspicious of Velvette
Girlboss_Vel: Alastor is here!!!
Girlboss_Vel: I KNOW WE SHOULD GO AWAY. Let's go to Vesper's place. Alastor wouldn't go there because Vess would start to mock him which hurts his ego.
Pimp_Valentino: Alright let's go there.
"We will go to Vess since she knows a very good place" Velvette said
"Alright call her though because she is busy. We need to know if we can go there now or not" Vox added
"Okayy" and she calls Vess up
Vesper's pov:
Today has been stressful. All day I was working and I didn't even ate, I really wanna finish this game for Vox.
"Hey are you alright?" Aiyana asked
"Yea, I am." Vess responded
"You didn't even eat lunch" Aiyana was getting angry
"Now you will eat with me alright?!"
"Fine." Vess rolled her eyes. Her phone started ringing. It was Velvette
"Hello darling! I was wondering if you aren't busy anymore"
"I'm not right now, why do you ask?"
"We wanna go over to your place yknow having fun and finding a good place to go"
"Alright feel free! Meanwhile I search for a good place on Vooxgle"
"Sweet, kisses darling"
"Byee dolly" and she hung up
"Who did you talk to?" Aiyana asked
"Why are you soo curious?" Vess asked
"Are you jealous perhaps?~" Vess was teasing Aiyana
"Never!" She answered
"Sure, come here for a hug" Vess said with open arms. Aiyana accepted Vesper's open arms they hugged for a while.
Meanwhile with the Vees:
As they were walking to the exit they spotted Alastor with Angel dust.
"Is that ALASTOR?!" Vox immediately got furious.
"Hey V-"
"Vox please calm the fuck down"
"I WON'T, I WANT THAT BITCH TO DIE" Vox shouted which caught Alastor's attention. He knew how to piss Vox off and he loved to piss him off all the time. After all Alastor also hated Vox. He found him unoriginal, useless and annoying.
"Hey there old pal." Alastor said as he was walking up to Vox
They immediately grabbed Vox and put him behind them.
"What do you want alastor?" Val asked
"Oh, nothing I thought since Vox is here I should greet him"
"Well you did that already so you can fuck off" Vel said in her typical british accent
"Tell Vox that he always will be unoriginal, useless and annoying" Alastor said with a shit eating grin
"Fuck off, motherfucker"
"Velvette don't say that yknow that he is a momma's boy" Val said grinning and chuckling. Alastor was angry by that statement.
"What did you say?" And he grabbed Valentino by his neck with his tentacles.
"Oh, what a japanese tentacle porn love you got there~" Val was mocking Alastor's tentacles
"Perhaps do you got inspired by japanese tentacle porn?"
"Yknow what? Fuck you and anyways I need to go Charlie can't wait for us any longer" Alastor said letting Valentino down. All this time Velvette was holding back Vox.
"HOW DARE YOU TREAT MY MAN LIKE THAT?!" Vox said getting out of Velvette's grip. Vox attacked Alastor and Alastor immediately choke Vox with his tentacles.
"Where is your Vox now? Perhaps he is weak and he is only powerful because of the vees" Alastor added
"You should let go of him" Angel dust said after being in shock for a while.
"I don't want to" and he started chuckling. He felt a sharp pain and blood going down
"Don't you dare hurt my world like that" Valentino said as he shot Alastor. Alastor let Vox down and fall onto the floor.
"Shit, are you Alright?" Angel dust asked
"Don't worry about me. Charlie is waiting for us. I will teleport there by my voodo powers" He said teleporting away with the stuffs Charlie asked for. Angel dust akwardly and being scared walked away without saying anything.
"Are you alright Voxxy?" Val asked being concerned
"I'm alright, I just got chocked that's all."
"I'm glad you are alright" Velvette said. Vox was angry because he felt weak and because of meeting Alastor.
"We should go. I'm sure Vess is concerned." Velvette added. They went to Vesper's place.
"What took you soo long guys?" Vess asked being annoyed and concerned
"It was nothing really" Velvette said being nervous. All of them knew that Vesper would go feral even if you just mention Alastor. He hated Alastor more than anything for betraying her and Vox.
"You sound nervous as hell. Are you sure that you are alright?" She asked
"We are don't worry"
"Vox is rather angry. Tell what caused Vox to be upset."
"Nothing really just work stress"
"He barely had any work today" Vess said being suspicious of them
"Don't worry about it Papito~ I will handle Vox" Val said
"Alright if you say so" she said
"Also I can't go with you guys because me and Aiyana have a date planned and she is upset right now so I have to comfort her. I'm sorry but maybe next time" Vess said
And the Vees went home but Vox and Val stayed in Val's room.
"Hey mi amor~ don't worry about a dumb shit like Alastor" Val said in a seductive tone.
"Yknow~ I can make you forget him tonight. I will make you sure you will only think of me~" He said. He kissed Vox passionately and pressed him agaisnt the wall. He took Vox's suit off then his vest and then he unbuttoned Vox's shirt and took it off. Val started undressing down as well and after he was done he pushed Vox to bed and then made his way to the bed. They kissed passionately again and made his way to bed alongside with Vox.
"You have been a bad boy~ You fought with another overlord~ I need to punish you" Val said in a seductive tone biting down on Vox's neck. Vox was quietly moaning and he started to drool. Valentino slid down Vox's boxer and he saw that he was erect. "You are such a naughty boy but you are my naughty boy~" He said and started to stroke Vox's dick.
"Aaah~ fuck, Val" He said being in a lot of pleasure already. Val started to suck Vox's dick which caused Vox to moan more
"You are soo good at thissss" he said passionately
"I'm not done yet darling~" he said and then he started riding Vox. Vox couldn't speak anymore due to the pleasure he was expriencing.
"I love you soo much darling~" Valentino said biting Vox's neck again. Vox shouted from the pleasure.
"I love you soo much Valentino. Never leave me" He said
"I won't darling~ I won't he said as he was riding Vox more intensively. Vox was drooling a lot and then he changed position.
"It's your turn Valentino. You were naughty too for messing with an overlord" Vox said
"Ooh~ you are soo scary Voxxy~" Val said teasing him
"How will you punish me?~" he asked Vox. Vox started thrusting which caused Valentino to shout because of pleasure.
"You are good at this papito~" Val said being a bit suprised
"You should be top more often~" he whispered to Vox which caused him to be more hard. He was gripping on Valentino's waist and thrusting more intensively.
"You should punish me more often daddy~" Valentino said which made Vox more aroused. After a while Vox was cumming and after that they were too tired to clean up the mess.
"I love you Val" Vox said being top on Valentino and stroking his fur.
"I love you too sweetheart~" and then both of them fell asleep
I hope yall liked this chapter💕💕💕 this was a longer one usually a chapter is like 1300-1400 word but this one is 1706💪💪💪

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