Chapter 1

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Chapter one

"You will be the death of me", I didn't know the meaning would come to a reality one day. Here I do not have an ounce of strength left in me to walk in the hope of your return. You even have taken that from me. If I jump from here my body will turn to ashes. In this world or Another World, I hope I never fall in love with you.

I'm glad you are taking your own life. – A known voice rang in my ear.

Thank God, he kept me from committing another sin—–wait but killing you will be a virtue in my book.

With a cold and determined look in her eyes, suddenly pointed a gun at me while I was lost in my thoughts. The air grew tense, and the weight of her words hung heavily in the air. "I should have killed you the moment I came to know about you," she uttered, her voice laced with a mixture of anger and desperation.

Time seemed to stand still as the gravity of the situation settled upon me. The rooftop, once a place for reflection, now became a battleground for emotions and secrets. My mind racing trying to comprehend the intensity of her words and the danger that loomed before me.

In that chilling moment, the wind seemed to carry the echoes of past betrayals and hidden truths.

As I stood there, caught between my own thoughts and the barrel of the gun, the rooftop became a surreal backdrop for a confrontation that held the potential to redefine the narrative of my existence. The city lights below flickered, oblivious to the turmoil playing out above, and the night air held the tension of an unresolved chapter in the story of love and betrayal.

The words hung in the air, and the outcome remained uncertain. Whether it was a fleeting threat or an ominous promise, only the next moments would reveal the true intentions that lingered in the shadows of that rooftop.

The sound of the gunshot echoed through the night, fueled by a mix of anger and despair, pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced the air, finding its target, and I felt a searing pain as I was struck. The world around me blurred, and with a surreal sense of weightlessness, I began to fall from the rooftop.

As gravity took hold, the city lights below became a hazy blur, and the wind rushed past me. The seconds felt like an eternity as I descended, my mind racing with a chaotic mix of thoughts and emotions. The rooftop, once a place of reflection, now marked the precipice between life and an uncertain fate.

In those fleeting moments, flashes of my past and the events leading up to this point played in my mind. The betrayal, the search for answers, and now the sudden violence that had unfolded on the rooftop merged into a disorienting montage.

But I was set free, free from the pain I had been in for years. I've never felt this light before. Suddenly I could see a door open and all I saw was a clear sky and only yellow flowers. It was alluring. There was a familiar fragrance I could sense in the air. I think it is how things end......Or the start.

I don't know where to start. Because where I'm standing right now, I have no idea where I am. It doesn't feel familiar. I don't know if I am dead or alive but all I know how I end up here And I don't know where it will take me.

So let me start from where it all started and lead me to where I am right now.

My journey with my readers starts now but with him it started 9 years back. Let me take you on our rollercoaster ride.

Calendula In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now