Part- E Not Same

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Roy Pov

I forgot to tell you my plan for this evening. I will pick you up from college, and don't make any plans with anyone. I want your evening time with me.... (As I was typing the message to Selena my thoughts were interrupted by sudden encounter with that guy from the Parking area. I couldn't shake off the unease that settled in my chest as I saw the look in Selena's eyes for another guy. Who was that guy, and what connection did he have with Selena?)

Am I already late? Have I lost Selena already? I don't think that's possible. Selena doesn't fall for bare minimum. Even if she had been, I was supposed to know that first. The bond we shared since childhood, the deep connection we have and can't be that fragile just because we are not in the same city.

(As Roy observed from a distance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness creeping in. Thoughts raced through his mind, and the fear that I might have already lost Selena before confessing his feelings haunted him. The bond they shared since childhood, the deep connection that had grown over the years, suddenly felt fragile).

I can't let the fear of potential loss paralyze myself. I must be strong and ready to face whatever outcome awaited for me, I must lay my heart bare before it is too late.

Selena Pov

As I was reading Roy's message, a wave of fear and anxiety swept over me. The potential revelation of his feelings which he has planned for today puts me on an edge and the encounter with Ahad in the alleyway, the unspoken emotions in that hug, and now Roy's impending confession going to be my death today.

Ayla, sensing Selena's fear and anxiety, gently approached me. "Hey, is everything okay? You seem really overwhelmed," she said, concern etched across her face.

I took a deep breath, unsure of how to express the turmoil within me. "I don't know, Ayla. Roy is about to confess his feelings, and I'm not sure if I can give him the love he's expecting."

What? - Ayla asked me in shock!!

Yes, the moment I saw his message yesterday I knew exactly why he was here.

Ayla listened attentively, understanding the weight of the situation and asked?

"What about...... Ahad? Is it just a mere attraction or something deep?"

With Ahad it's different, the feeling which I get around him I can't explain it in mere words. I feel calm and nervous around him.

And with Roy I don't feel that way, I can literally say the difference about my feeling for him and Ahad.... The feeling which I get around Roy is more like what you feel for your friend or brother. It's not about that I haven't thought about him. I tried to generate feelings for him when I came to know how he feels for me. I tried but I couldn't ever see him beyond as a friend.

She pondered for a moment before suggesting, "Maybe you can delay it, or even ignore it for now. You don't have to confront everything at once. Take some time to figure out your own feelings before dealing with the complexities of a relationship."

(I nodded, appreciating Ayla's concern and advice. The idea of delaying the conversation with Roy briefly crossed my mind, as the fear of facing the potential fallout loomed large. However, a nagging sense of responsibility and honesty tugged. I knew that avoiding the situation might only complicate things further).

"I appreciate your suggestion, Ayla, but I think I need to face it. Roy deserves honesty, and I can't keep him waiting," I replied, a sense of determination flickering in my eyes.

Ayla nodded understandingly, respecting my decision. "Just remember, you don't have to face it alone. I am here for you," she reassured.

Now get you up, we still have time, Let's get you something to eat first. You look exhausted Selena.

I don't have appetite to feed myself even with water. Please you go and have, I will take a short nap before I find myself in a war zone standing in front of Roy and Ahad.

Fine but I will bring you a cup of juice for you to get energized for the evening battle.

Well, I love you.

I love you too.... Leave that man. I think we both will be better without any. (With saying that Ayla left.)

The classroom was dimly lit, the soft hum of the air conditioning providing a soothing background noise. I was mentally and physically drained after continuous lectures and a restless night, so I decided to stay behind and catch up on some much-needed rest.

As I drifted into a light sleep, the scent of food wafted through the air, teasing my senses. In my semi-conscious state, I heard footsteps approaching, sat beside me and gently started caressing my head. Assuming it was Ayla, I pouted and mumbled in a sleepy voice, "I'm not hungry."

To my surprise, the response didn't come from Ayla. Instead, a familiar voice chuckled softly, "Well, I thought you might be. You missed lunch and I am sure you didn't have breakfast as well, sleepyhead."

Startled, I blinked my eyes open and found herself face to face with Ahad, holding a takeout container in his hand. A mix of confusion and realization crossed my sleepy expression. "Ahad?" I murmured, rubbing my eyes to clear the drowsiness.

He smiled warmly, "Hey there. I thought you could use a break and some food. You looked exhausted."

A hint of embarrassment colored my cheeks as I sat up straight, finally taking notice of the delicious aroma in the air. "I... uh, thanks, Ahad. I didn't expect you to find me here."

He chuckled, "Well, Ayla mentioned you might be here, and I thought why not have lunch with you and apologize to you for my behavior this morning.

I looked at him with more embarrassment and to change the topic, "This food looks delicious" accepted the food with gratitude. "I really appreciate it. I guess I needed food more than I realized."

While I was having food Ahad gaze was totally on me. His intense gaze can kill anyone.

After we both were done with the food, Ahad took the initiative to clean up the table and dispose of the trash. His thoughtful actions spoke volumes, and I couldn't help but appreciate the care he was showing. As he checked his watch, he suggested, "I believe you still have some time. You can sleep."

His kindness and the warmth of the moment lingered, making the idea of sleep seem elusive. How could I possibly sleep now, especially after witnessing such a sweet gesture from Ahad?

He, sensed my hesitation, came over and sat next to me. "Would you mind if I do something?" Uncertain about his intentions, I moved away slightly, my expression reflecting my confusion.

He approached and gently held my neck, guiding my head to rest on his chest. "Don't think about anything I am not going to do something you are not ready for yet. Just close your eyes and sleep," he whispered softly.

His gesture caught me by surprise, but the genuine warmth and comfort of his presence put me at ease. As I closed my eyes, the rhythmic beat of Ahad's heart and the reassurance in his touch caressing my hand gently allowed me to let go of the swirling thoughts in my mind.

In that quiet moment, I found unexpected solace in his embrace. The complexities of the day seemed to fade away, and as I drifted into a peaceful nap, a sense of gratitude filled my heart for the caring presence becoming important to me to live. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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