Part-B2 Unknown feeling

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As I continued to walk toward him, the atmosphere hung thick with unspoken tension. To calm myself and atmosphere I said - "if you are carrying sunglasses, please wear it".

He arched his one brow at my remark and replied: Hello supposed to be the way people greet in Collasa or is it just your unique way to greet me.

I was so nervous to the point, not knowing what to do to ease the moment, so I just laughed at his remark. How to tell him his eyes are making me nervous, uncomfortable, making my heart race to a different level. His eyes looking into mine make me numb to a level where I don't even have power to take another step.

Recognizing the nervous energy that surged within, I decided to take charge of the conversation and, in an attempt to ease my own tension, I thought to start the conversation. However, my curiosity and a desire to understand the purpose behind his unexpected breakfast proposal lingered in the back of my mind. Finally, unable to contain my curiosity, I decided to address the question directly. I looked at him and asked, "Why breakfast?"

The question hung in the air, creating a moment of anticipation as I awaited for his response. The atmosphere shifted from lighthearted banter to a more serious inquiry, setting the stage for a conversation that held the potential to unravel the intentions behind this impromptu breakfast meeting.

In that pivotal moment when I asked Ahad about his intention behind the unexpected breakfast, my phone rang, momentarily interrupting the conversation. As I reached into my bag to retrieve my phone, I was caught off guard by the unexpected warmth of Ahad's hand on your cheek. His touch was gentle, and he inquired, "How are you feeling?"

The unexpected tenderness in his gesture and concern in his voice shifted the dynamics of the conversation. It was as if Ahad, sensing my nervousness and perhaps my vulnerability, wanted to ensure my well-being. The interruption and the subsequent display of care created a moment of connection that transcended the initial question about the purpose of the breakfast meeting.

The warmth of Ahad's hand on my cheek, along with his concern, momentarily caught me off guard, the fresh and amazing feeling lingered in the air. He continued to rub my cheek gently with his thumb, perhaps trying to soothe any lingering nerves. Curious about the slight redness on my face, he asked, "Why is your face still red?"

I sighed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, and looked down without offering a direct response. Instead, I shifted the focus, stating, "I'm feeling amazing." Changing the topic, I checked my phone, realizing it was Roy who had called. Ahad, noticing my contemplation, asked, "Is it important?"

Yes, it is. Just give me a minute.

{Hello Roy...

Selena, good morning. Are you ready. Should I come and pick you up now? - Roy

No not now...Pick me from college by 12. I have some work to do .... (I didn't know what to tell him on the phone).

Ohk not an issue. If not breakfast, then lunch date is more perfect. Anyway, you don't prefer breakfast.

Yup – I replied

Ohk bye I will give a call before coming...Please don't cancel on me.

I won't, don't worry.... I said and disconnected the call].

(How can I forget about him. I was feeling bad toward Roy. He is my family no matter what his feeling I can't lose him.) As I was lingering in my own thought, Ahad's sudden interruption woke me up.

I hope my plan is not interrupting anything important – Ahad said

No, it's not that...It's about my friend and anyway I am glad that you asked for breakfast.

He smiled both from his face and eyes.

His face perfectly expressing his gladness that I accepted the breakfast invitation created a momentary pause. As I looked up, I realized our faces were just an inch apart, intensifying the closeness between us two.

Overwhelmed by the proximity, I took a step backward and was about to lose my balance, but he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me toward himself to save me from tripping over a stone. My right hand found itself in his grasp, and left hand rested on his shoulder. My face pressed against his chest, creating a moment charged with a mixture of surprise and a hint of intimacy.

The unexpected closeness added a layer of complexity to the encounter, leaving the atmosphere charged with unspoken emotions. Ahad's gesture and my involuntary closeness set the stage for a moment that seemed to transcend the ordinary boundaries of casual interactions.

There was stone behind; you might have stumbled upon it if I didn't pull you away from it.

As both of us moved to calm the situation, an undercurrent of panic was evident, particularly on my end. Ahad, realizing the potential discomfort, expressed, "It would hurt if I didn't pull you away from it"

I responded with a non-committal "hmmm," acknowledging the unspoken tension. To change the topic and ease the atmosphere, I inquired, "Where are we going for breakfast?"

Ahad directed me towards his car, taking the initiative to open the door for me. His gesture added a touch of chivalry to the moment, creating a subtle shift in the dynamics. As I settled into the car, he shared, "It's actually not a fancy restaurant, but they serve way better than any other places I have been to."

(The choice of a not-so-fancy place hinted at a desire for a more relaxed and authentic experience, away from the formalities of a typical restaurant setting. This shift in tone set the stage for a breakfast that promised to be more than just a meal, perhaps an opportunity for genuine connection and shared moments).

But I am open for suggestions if you have any as you know I am not from here.

Well, I would love to see your choice first.

He smiled at me and well I am really hoping you like the place and food. It has a homely vibe. 

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