Part- D2 Confusion

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Dinner with your own people is always a delightful affair. The aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, and laughter echoed through the cozy dining room. My Uncle and Aunt have always shown love to me. They try their best, so I don't feel lonely. They always accepted my choice and my wishes, above all, they always welcomed my choice.

As the evening drew to a close, Roy stood up from the dinner table, expressing his gratitude to Uncle and Aunt's for their hospitality.

I got up from the table and walked him to the door. I was so happy even my eyes reflected the happiness of the evening.

I am glad that you came, Roy. You are the only one with whom I shared my past, both bad and good. - I said with a thankful smile on my face.

Roy returned the smile, his heart warmed by the genuine warmth. "I had a great time, Selena. I came here because I wanted to spend time with you. I wanted to know how you're doing all by yourself, and if I hadn't come here your father would have punished me for not taking care of you."

Just as Roy was about to say his goodbyes, my uncle, a jovial man with a twinkle in his eye, interjected, "Roy, why don't you stay the night? We have a spare room, and it's quite late. You can head back in the morning."

Roy hesitated, grateful for the offer but with a plan already set in motion. "Thank you so much for the kind offer, but I've got something special planned for tomorrow evening, and I'd like to get things ready. I appreciate it, though."

Uncle chuckled, patting Roy on the back. "Alright, young man. Don't keep that one waiting. But remember, you're always welcome here."

(Their conversation made my smile fade away and tension arose in my heart. I knew what they meant but nobody knew what was going on with me. All I was worried about what tomorrow would bring. The bond I share with Roy I didn't want to lose but the feeling arousing in me for Ahad I cannot stop. The only person who I shared my childhood, my teenage life with is Roy. We might not share the blood, but he is my family. He is all I have. While unwanted thoughts were emerging in my head one after another Roy understood my tensed expression and interrupted my thoughts)

Selena, you are tired, go take a rest. I will be moving.

Roy bid farewell to the family, expressing his gratitude once again.

Roy Pov

I stood there under the soft glow of the night lights, his heart pounding with anticipation.

(Tomorrow will be the night I had been waiting for, the night I was planning, God knows since when. Tomorrow will be the night I will tell all about my feelings and confess my love to Selena)

I looked above – Don't worry Uncle I will never leave her side no matter what. I will not break my promise.

Selena Pov

As the day unfolded, I couldn't escape the whispers in my head. What will happen today? I had no energy to wake up and face anyone.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

Selena wakeup, Roy is here – Nate

I jolted up from my bed as I heard his name.

What he is doing here this early.

Suddenly my room door opened, and He came inside.

Why is it so dark here. He came inside the room, went toward the window and opened the curtain. The morning sun streamed pass the window and I gave him a fierce look. Don't get angry, you know a person's room impersonates a person's heart, look at your room now exactly looking beautiful and fresh like you. - Roy

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