Chapter 7

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The Search

The Search

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Edmund was in the front with Caspian, he was the one leading the way. He hated the fact that he still remembered the way to Jadis’ castle.

The night was falling so they decided to call it a night. They tethered the horses so they would not run away during the night, then they lit a fire to have a minimum of heat during the night. Edmund announced that he was keeping watch tonight. He would not be able to sleep so he thought it was pointless to entrust the task to someone else.

So, whilst his fellow travelers were sleeping, Edmund was keeping the fire alive and he was stargazing. Whilst he was looking at the sky, Edmund surprised himsef doing something he never did before. He prayed. He prayed to a God he was not sure he believed in, but if there was a right time to do so it was this one.

It was the one because his past was gonna blow up in his face and he knew it. The demons from his past were going to resurface and he was not sure he had the energy to fight them once again. To battle them a second time felt like an impossible task for him because this time, he would be all alone to do so. The first time he had his siblings by his side. Without them, it was a whole different thing.

So, Edmund prayed. He prayed to God or the Gods to help him. He prayed that no harm was done to Dahlia. He prayed that no one would die if there was to be a battle.

“When will we arrive?”

Edmund turned his head towards Caspian when he heard his voice breaking this peaceful silence.

“Tomorrow, probaby. Before night falls, hopefully.”

Caspian nodded, he did not add anything to this very short conversation.

“When we’ll be there, let me go alone.” said Edmund without even looking at Caspian.

“What? Have you lost your mind?”

“If Jadis is actually in that little house she dares to call a castle…” Edmund stopped to talk. “It’s useless for the both of us to die tomorrow. One of us has to stay alive for Dahlia.”

Caspian sat suddenly. He never heard Edmund talk like that, he was talking like he knew he was going to die during this task. And, Caspian had to admit that he was afraid for Edmund, he was really afraid he would do something stupid.

“Don’t you think you should be the one to stay alive for her?”

“Don’t be stupid, Caspian. You’re the King, you can’t just abandon you Kingdom just like that. Believe me, I did it once. The only difference is that you will not come back.”

“What if none of us die, what do you say about that?”

“You don’t know what she’s capable of. Don’t waste your time with hope. Once she made up her mind, nothing and no one can stop her. Trust me on this one.”

One Last Time [ Edmund Pevensie FanFic ] {  English Version }Where stories live. Discover now