Hope Is A Mighty Seed

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Korra’s panic was reaching max level at rapid speed. With the Equalists on the rise and Bolin being as gullible as he was, the fact that he was alone in the city that was growing dark was a terrifying thought. Bolin was just as smart as anyone else, but the problem lied in the fact that he always trusted just a little too easily. He truly wanted to see the best in everyone around him, and that's what would get him hurt every time. He often found himself in troubling situations because people would take his kindness for granted. Bolin had a huge heart that cared deeply for everyone. Korra would never change that about him, it's one of the many things that made Bo so loveable. However, in times like these it significantly added to the fear of Bolin being lost and alone.

"Bolin has a knack for getting into stupid situations." Mako said to the group as if speaking Korra's thoughts.

Korra nodded. "We have to find him, and soon. Let's start with the Main Republic streets and then we'll go from there. We can take Naga, she's a pretty good tracker. I'll grab her and meet you at the gates. You go grab one of Bo's shirts so Naga has something to go off of." Korra offered.

Mako took off to go get the requested item with a nod. The knight walked into the stables to prep and saddle her steed. They needed to hurry if they wanted a chance at getting their friend back safely. In the rush of everything she had almost forgotten that the princess was here too. She heard light footsteps behind her from Asami's thick riding boots. When Korra glanced in the princess's direction the older girl looked almost nervous as she very subtly fidgeted with her hands. Asami usually carried herself with poise and confidence. It was an odd sight, but Korra figured the heiress was just stressed for Bolin’s safety too. He was a new member of the royal guards after all, if he went missing after such a short amount of time it could look bad for the kingdom's reputation.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? You're technically still on bed rest under Kya's orders. And there's no telling how late you'll be staying out to find him, night is when then Equalists get more active. Do you want me to go with you? I can help." Asami offered.

That wasn’t what Korra had anticipated her to say. But if Korra knew one thing for certain it was that she didn't want the princess caught up in anything that would potentially put her in front of an Equalist. While Asami wasn't a mage, and therefore less susceptible to being targeted, Asami would be working with mages against the movement. The Equalists wouldn't care if Asami had magic or not, they'd simply take down anyone that diverted them from their goal. Overall, it was a terrible idea. Korra would be lying if she said having Asami around wouldn't be more comforting, but the reality was that it would end up doing more harm than good to have the princess there.

Korra shook her head when she made her final decision. "It's not safe to bring you with us, especially if the Equalists are involved. Besides, it would be good to have a familiar face if he ends up coming back to the palace before we find him. And as for Kya, I know my own body's limits better than anyone. I can handle this" Korra explained.

Asami crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Korra as if trying to gauge the truth behind her words. Korra partially understood where the princess was coming from. The knight had been concerningly sick just yesterday, and now she was about to go on a wild chase through the city. However, Korra truly did feel great again. Besides the overall panic for Bolin's safety that was weighing her down, she was in perfect health. The princess was staring at Korra, she looked like she was trying to think of something to say. Asami finally sighed and dropped her arms. Her eyes softened as she looked at Korra, her eyes almost looked as if they were pleading for something. She walked over to stand right in front of the knight.

"Please just get back here safely. If you can't find Bolin by midnight you have to come back home, otherwise I'm sending a search party." she started. A second later delicate arms were wrapped around her torso in a tight embrace. While the gesture wasn't unwanted, it was odd. Korra was going out at night to save Bo, and possibly fight some Equalists in the process. While those issues did potentially warrant danger, it wasn't anything Korra couldn't handle.

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