Of Pomegranates and People

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Asami had quickly succumbed to sleep as Korra gently ran a hand through her long raven hair. Korra herself wasn’t exactly tired anymore, far from it actually, but she wouldn’t dare move from her spot if it kept the heiress resting peacefully. She could tell just by the slightly greasy feeling of the princess’s hair and the dark circles beneath her beautiful jade eyes that she hadn’t gotten much sleep since she had been sent off to the prison. It sent a pang of guilt through her chest knowing that it was her actions that had caused the heiress so much distress. Korra took full responsibility for the events that had occurred. She should have listened, and she shouldn’t have run off to try and fight Tarrlok on her own. In an attempt to save her friends, she had only put them through more stress and work trying to save her. She hadn’t seen Mako or Bolin yet, but she had a good feeling that they probably looked just as exhausted and worn as Asami did. She definitely had some apologizing to do, not only to ease her guilty conscience, but because she had put quite a few people through one heck of an adventure. She didn’t deliberately try to cause more trouble, that always seemed to be the issue. When she tried to help, she somehow ended up running into trouble without even trying. Or maybe it ran into her. She couldn’t be sure. Before she had time to reflect on it any longer, Kya had slipped back into the room carrying soup and some tea. 

Despite saying it would only be a few minutes, Kya had actually disappeared for a few hours. But Korra wasn't going to complain, she knew everyone was exhausted after searching for her. It certainly didn't help the guilt that was already troubling her. Kya sat the small tray of things onto Korra's nightstand and sat down in the chair next to Korra's bed with her arms folded over her chest, a knowing look on her face as she stared at the princess resting in Korra's arms. 

It was rather quiet in the room, not uncomfortable by any means, it was rather serene. That was until Kya decided to break it. 

"She really cares about you." the healer pointed out. 

Korra gave a small half smile as she let herself stare unabashedly at the woman in her arms. The woman who hadn't slept until she found Korra safe, the woman who was laying in her bed when she woke up because she thought it would help speed everything up (even though she had her own reservations about people seeing them in the same bed), the woman who was now sleeping peacefully in the knight's hold as if nothing in the world could get to her so long as she was there. Yeah, Korra knew Asami cared. However, Korra could only view that as a major problem.

Asami cared. Very few people had ever really cared, and absolutely nobody had cared in the way Asami did. Sure, she had Mako and Bolin while she was growing up, but that was different from the way Asami focused all her attention on Korra, like if Korra disappeared it would be the end of the world. The heiress was always making sure Korra ate and rested, never letting her work herself to the bone like she did almost daily at the Academy. Any free time Asami had she would find Korra, even if only for a few minutes. And although Asami had hired Korra as her knight, that felt more like a side gig to being the Avatar, and yet Asami didn't seem to mind one bit. In fact Asami encouraged her to leave and go off to try and help the village when they needed it or go pursue her training with Tenzin. There was never a doubt that Asami cared, not one. And it was strange, Korra had never been bothered when she got injuries, and she didn’t care to work out so hard she passed out. But seeing Asami’s disappointed and concerned face made her actively try to avoid getting into danger or working too hard. Which was difficult considering her duty to the world. But Korra wasn’t going to complain because secretly she loved that someone did care when she got the smallest scratch or fretted when she was away too long. It made her feel special, important, wanted.

She turned back to Kya with a content sigh. "Yeah, I know." she smiled. 

"That was quick thinking earlier." Kya started. "You didn't really forget what happened did you?" the healer gave her a look. 

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