Chapter 4: Final Laps

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Soon, the race entered the final ten laps. Despite having never dealt with Mario Kart in real life, everyone was doing pretty well. Lawyer Kong watched the leaderboard in anger. The Nintendo racer closest to the top was Mario in fifth place, while SMG4 held the lead. When Donkey Kong pulled into the pits in a Red Bull RB18 F1 car, Lawyer Kong knew he had to take matters into his own hands.

Lawyer Kong: Out.

Donkey Kong didn't know why Lawyer Kong gave that order, but he knew better than to argue with him. So, DK got out and Lawyer Kong took his place in the seat. Once the pit crew had finished, Lawyer Kong sped out of the pit lane and onto the track.

Jeremy: Hold on.

He stood up in confusion.

Jeremy: Ladies and gentlemen, it seems Nintendo has replaced their Number 22 racer.

Richard: Is that even allowed?

Lawyer Kong tore down the racetrack through New Exton.

Belle: Tari, we've got a problem. Lawyer Kong's on the track.

Tari looked to her right and saw the ape in the more powerful F1 car pulling up beside her. Before the blue haired gamer could do anything, Lawyer Kong slammed his car into Tari's. Sparks flew as the bodies scraped each other. Finally, Lawyer Kong won out as Tari's right rear tire blew out and the Nintendo lawyer raced away. Tari skidded to the left as Belle crashed into her, knocking her on her side. People in the audience gasped as they saw the wreckage.

Jeremy: Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a crash between the Number 18 and Number 20 cars. We are getting emergency crews on it.

SMG3 watched the crash in his rearview mirror and grabbed his radio to contact SMG4.

SMG3: SMG4, did you just see that!?

SMG4: *Over Radio* See what?

SMG3: Lawyer Kong is on the track! I repeat, Lawyer Kong is on the track! He just took out Belle and Tari!

The racers tore down the streets through Silica City. As they entered the industrial area, Earnhardt tried to pull in front of Lawyer Kong to cut him off, but the ape rammed into the back of his car and sent him spinning into SMG3's Demon. Saiko saw the impending crash and slammed on the brakes, but she hit SMG3 and tumbled through the air before the front of the Demon smashed into the asphalt of the track. Then, Meggy's Porsche hit the wreckage, flipped upside down, and skidded on its roof into the infield. From there, Räikkönen, Luigi, Steve, Scout, and Shroomy all crashed into the wreckage, Daisy almost got through but was nailed in the face by the door from Scout's Evo, Bowser, Hamilton, and Gordon were barely able to stop in time, leaving Clark, Chris, Melony, Sonic, Mario, Peach, Rosalina, Lawyer Kong, and SMG4 left.

Richard: Jesus! That's a big crash!

James: Does that mean they're not finishing the race then?

Richard: *Frustrated* Well James, the cars are smoldering wrecks, their drivers are bleeding out and probably have a few broken bones so, that is a no.

SMG4 looked at the carnage through his rearview mirror. He closed his eyes and focused on winning this race for his friends as he crossed the line.

Jeremy: Here we go! Lap 100, Final Lap! Who will win?

Soon, the racers reached the dirt section. Here, SMG4 tried to use the dirt to blind Lawyer Kong, which worked for a while, but the ape quickly regained composure once they were back on the asphalt. SMG4 looked back worriedly, which gave Mario enough time to hit the YouTuber with a Blue Shell and allowing him to take the lead. SMG4 struggled to keep up and they ran through Onett and into the Industrial District. With his more powerful Ferrari F1 car, he overtook the Italian plumber and used all the power he had to speed towards the finish line.

SMG4: Race for Freedomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें