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A Few Days Later...

Cranes and other construction equipment worked to rebuild the ruins of the areas surrounding the Mushroom Kingdom. In Luigi's Meme Cooking RV, Boopkins looked at his new body, still trying to get used to it. It was basically a green ball-shape with a blue mohawk.

Boopkins: Aw man, this new body is gonna take some getting used to.

Bob: YoU kIdDiNg Me? ChEcK oUt ThIs SiCk GaNgStEr BaNdAnA!

Bob's redesign sported updated blades, a more ragged cloak, and yes, a bandana. Bob then began rapping in celebration.

Boopkins: Hey, that's the spirit! Tough love is important!

Luigi: HEY!

They both went over to the right side of the RV to see Luigi standing there in his Walter White appearance standing by some computers and lab equipment.

Luigi: Stop standing around and help me cook some more memes. We have work to do.

He went back over to one of the computers and Bob and Boopkins saluted. They still had a long way to go before things got back to normal. At least, as normal as things got around there.

Bob and Boopkins: Yes, boss!

On the other side of the RV, SMG4 and Meggy sat in lawn chairs while Mario sat on the ground, all of them observing the sunset.

Meggy: I'm so glad everything turned out fine in the end.

SMG4: Yeah. I've gotten used to this new body too! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!

Mario and Meggy watched as the Meme Lord grew a moustache to unbelievable proportions.

Meggy: And now we can live on without being in fear of Nintendo....

Then, she heard Mario sniffling and decided to check on him.

Meggy: Mario, you ok?

She couldn't see it, but Mario had tears welling up in his eyes.

Mario: I'm... I'm so glad you guys didn't die. It was very scary living in a world without you two.

Meggy smiled. Even though her and Mario's relationship hadn't been the best recently, she knew that no argument could break up their friendship.

Meggy: Aww. That's probably the sweetest thing you've ever said, Mario.

SMG4: Yeah, man. Thanks for saving us from that crazy monkey. And thanks especially for taking care of him on the track, or we wouldn't even be here.

As if on cue, Funky Kong dropped from the sky in front of the trio. All three of them got up, ready for round two.

SMG4: Oh no. Guys! Get ready for a fight!

Funky Kong smirked, but didn't seem interested in a fight.


He displayed a grenade launcher and an RPG as Mario, Meggy, and SMG4 just stared at him, confused.

Luigi: I would like some weapons!

Bob: Oh YeAh, Me ToO!

Boopkins: *Innocently* Do you have any anime paraphernalia?


Mario: Aww, c'mon. Mario wants weapons too!

SMG4: Yeah, maybe a lil bit of firearms.

Meggy: I SAID NO!!!

Funky Kong: This Kong. Has a funny GUN.

As the group argued, the camera shifted into the sky as another big chapter of the lore came to a close. 

SMG4: Race for FreedomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant