Her Hate His love:chapter 7:

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There is an orphanage called Roshani Foundation and I want that land!

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There is an orphanage called Roshani Foundation and I want that land!

Now here is the thing I gave them a notice a month ago and they didn't take my warning seriously so now they will face the consequences.

I am going to that orphanage right now to have a word with them.

Give them my final verbal warning because after that it won't be verbal anymore I don't care who is hurt.

I stepped out of my car and I can immediately see the fear on their faces that made me smirk there is no greater feeling than having authority over pathetic individuals.

I walked straight in, and the kids moved out of the way in fear good I won't need to hurt a kid today.

I then went into the office.

"Listen very carefully you will evacuate this place by today evening if you don't I'll have no choice but to be forceful that means my men will come remove you I don't care who is hurt in the process I always get what I want. Or maybe I can use you as an example of not to disobey me? Would you like that?". I asked her in my usual cold tone.

"No.... no Siii......rrr I'll have.. the pplace evacuated soo...on" she said while stuttering.

Ignoring her I walked out and was about to enter my car and a stupid orphan kid came upto me and attempted to push me.


"You are an evil monster for taking our home away from us we will be homeless because of you." The child screamed.

Can't he be quieter he is hurting my ears.

"You called me a monster right than I'll be one I want this place evacuated now, initially I was thinking to offer you all support but now you lot don't deserve my mercy." I said to him and shoved him and he fell on the ground.

A girl came running towards him and checked for any injuries then faced me and I was mesmerised.

Her gaze was sharp, as if lined with shards of glass around the edges. The calculating coldness at the center drew me in, yet they betrayed no feeling.

Her sparkling eyes were irresistibly charming, glowing bright in the cold air and I felt my skin grow hot wherever she glanced, as if bathed by warm sunlight.

She is the epitome of perfection,  the way she is glaring at me is so interesting.

She's probably just glaring at me but won't do anything, she looks to timid to even come near a beast like me, there is no point.

I sighed and decided to go into my car until she walked upto me and pulled me by my arm and slapped so hard that you get hear it echo.

It wasn't hard enough to hurt me, but the echo was so loud that I was sure that her fingers were imprinted on my cheek.

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