The Agnivanshi Bahus:chapter 14

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Hmmm what should I use to kill him how dare he remove my makeup?

How dare he remove my sandals?

How dare he untie my hair?

Did I consent?

So why did he think trying to be a hero?


After they left to work it was just us left so Sanjana suggested we got to know each other since we are staying here.

"So I am a gynaecologist and I am 29, I don't have a family so I would be happy if you both could fill that void?" Sanjana said and I don't see anything wrong in it.

It's fascinating that she is the same age as me.

"I am an interior designer, and I am also 29 same pinch am also and an orphan so I would love to have you both as a family." I said.

"I am a chef as you both already know, I have my own restaurant is well, it has the best food in the world you should try it. Also my family don't like me so it's nice to know other people's family feel the same about them which instantly makes us sisters. I am so stupid I forget to tell my age well I am 25." Soumaya said.

God she talks a lot!

Does she not get tired?

I scoffed at the sister part I was okay with building a civil relation with them but sisters no?

Also what does she mean with the family comment why is this kid so rude?

Kid seriously Sara?

She is only 4 years younger than you..

The same age as them both.

They both must be this old is well.

I hope they are not like her, she is damn weird.

Just because I supported her doesn't mean that I'll want to be like a sister to her I only protected her because she was not defending herself against that douche.

"Yes that's cute souamya, one serious question do you ever shut up?" Sanjana asked her and she started at us both.

Looked embarrassed and then laughed

She looks so adorable laughing, she is cute.

No Sara!

You can't like her, attachments only shatter people.

Suddenly I heard a gunshot oh fuck!

"Girls listen to me very carefully go to the kitchen and don't move, now remember this, it's our kitchen we know where everything is placed. Use the appliances as weapons if needs be." I said and went off.

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