Incest - Nayeon (Smut)

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At the stroke of 11 in the tranquil evening, Nayeon found herself still wide awake, anticipation stirring within her as she awaited the quiet slumber of her parents. With a heart brimming with excitement, she stealthily tiptoed towards the door of her stepsister, Y/N.

In the soft glow of moonlight, Nayeon, adorned in lustrous black lingerie that caressed her goddess-like figure, draped herself in a robe, adding an air of mystique to her presence. With each step, her anticipation grew, her senses heightened.

Upon entering her sister's chamber, a spark of desire danced in her eyes, her lips gently nibbled in anticipation. With a graceful movement, she shed the robe, revealing her silhouette bathed in moonbeams, a vision of allure and temptation.

Her steps were silent as she approached her slumbering sister, wrapped in the embrace of a cozy duvet. With a soft sigh of longing, Nayeon prepared to awaken her sister to a night filled with secrets and whispered promises.

Nayeon inched closer towards Y/N, delicately settling atop her sleeping stepsister, whose soft groan momentarily startled Nayeon, yet she soon relaxed as her sister drifted deeper into slumber.

With tender fingertips, she traced the contours of her sister's body, from the graceful arc of her jawline to the delicate curve of her collarbone, lingering with a curious fascination at the gentle swell below, igniting a primal desire within Nayeon.

With a measured breath, she gingerly lowered her sister's pajama, unveiling a hidden secret beneath - a pair of boxers concealing the embodiment of her sister's intersex identity, a revelation that had stirred within Nayeon's thoughts since the moment she chanced upon her sister in the bath, the mesmerizing sway of her form and the rhythmic dance of her masculine anatomy.

Following the revelation of her sister's intersex identity, Nayeon found herself drawn time and again to her sister's sleeping form, enveloped in the tender embrace of night's tranquility, seeking a closeness that transcended mere physicality.

In the quiet of the night, Nayeon's mind often wandered to fantasies of a forbidden union, where she and her sister shared in the fiery passion of lovers intertwined, their hearts beating as one in the symphony of desire.

With trembling hands, Nayeon gently tugged at her sister's boxer, unveiling the throbbing essence of her sister's masculinity, the mere sight igniting a tempest of longing within Nayeon's soul.

Despite the intimate encounters shared in the veil of night, Nayeon remained tethered to the confines of her own innocence, her virginity a fragile barrier between desire and restraint, her fear of awakening her slumbering sister a constant companion in the shadows.

Yet, in this moment of reckoning, Nayeon felt the stirring of courage within her, a longing to cast aside the shackles of inhibition and surrender to the throes of passion with her beloved stepsister.

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