L Portal Device - 1

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A green portal appears infront of me.

"Please enter the testing chambers by walking through the tunnel that has open infront of you." the voice says.

My head still hurts. Where is Firey?

I look through the portal and see myself; a body of green. I walk through the portal. I feel a weird tingle throughout my body.

"If you have any memory of previous events, please walk back into the cryogenic chamber and lay down in the cryogenic bed."

So that's what it was...

I proceed forward, walking through a door. Immediately the door locks shut behind me. The room was made of metal. I see a glass wall on the right of the test chamber. Through It was the body of Firey. Firey doesn't seem to notice me. His room was padded in white metal. I hear a whirring noise and out of the ground in my room a gun like device emerges.

"Welcome to Chamber 001. This the first test of cooperation and trust. One of you will be given the Portal Device. Please try and proceed to the next chamber."

I put my hand at the back of the device. A feel of power overcomes me. Through the glass I shoot and a blue portal emerges next to Firey. Firey notices and starts looking around wondering where it came from. He couldn't see me?

I shoot another portal on the other side of the ditch that was in the middle of his room. Suddenly the portals are no longer collideable. Firey takes a step through the blue portal and appears out of the orange portal. He then walks over onto a big red button, wondering what it does. The door at the end of my room opens up. I walk through it.

"Chamber 001 complete."

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