Chapter 13

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Silas exerted a firm yet tender force on the apartment door, ushering them into a whirlwind of sensation

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Silas exerted a firm yet tender force on the apartment door, ushering them into a whirlwind of sensation. Amelié's lips melded seamlessly with his as they navigated the space, their embrace guiding them through a labyrinth of walls and furniture, each collision igniting an electric spark between them.

In the chaos of their entanglement, the surroundings faded into insignificance; all that existed was the magnetic pull drawing them closer, their hunger insatiable.

Growing weary of the haphazard dance, Silas scooped Amelié into his arms, her lithe form wrapping around him as their lips continued their silent symphony. With purposeful strides, he carried her into the guest bedroom, laying her down with a reverence that belied their frenzied passion.

His touch sent shivers cascading down her spine as his hands found purchase beneath her shirt, the contrast of his cool touch against her skin eliciting soft whimpers of pleasure from her parted lips.

With a primal groan, Silas shed the layers between them, his gaze drinking in the sight of Amelié laid bare before him. In that fleeting moment, desire and adoration intermingled as he yearned to leave his mark upon her, to explore every inch of her being with a mixture of pleasure, pain, and dominance.

In the hazy glow of desire, Silas beheld Amelié in all her vulnerability, her silhouette adorned only by the delicate lace of her bra and panties. She laid before him, a vision of temptation and surrender, igniting an animalistic hunger within him that threatened to consume every fiber of his being.

With a primal urgency, Silas shed the confines of his clothing, his arousal noticeable in the heavy, heated air of the room. His cock, thick and throbbing, strained against the fabric of his jeans, a reminder to the raw desire coursing through his veins.

Amelié's gaze roamed hungrily over her boyfriend's form, her eyes tracing the contours of his muscular frame, the strength evident in his towering stature and the promise of ecstasy that lay between his legs. She yearned for him with a fervent desperation, her need echoing in the depths of her soul.

"Si, please," she pleaded, her voice a melody of desire and longing, each syllable a sweet symphony that stirred Silas to the core.

With an animalistic growl, Silas descended upon her, his touch igniting a wildfire of sensation that consumed them both in its fiery embrace. His hand, firm yet tender, found its place at the curve of her neck, his lips meeting hers in a searing kiss that left them both breathless and yearning for more.

As pleasure cascaded through their intertwined bodies, Silas's grip tightened, a rush of primal ecstasy flooding Amelié's senses. Her body quivered with anticipation as he teased her, his words a seductive melody that sent shivers down her spine.

"Does my Αγγελούδι enjoy this?" he murmured, his voice laced with a sadistic edge that sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins. With a fervent nod, she surrendered herself to him completely, her legs parting eagerly as Silas claimed her with a possessive hunger that left them both trembling in ecstasy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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